Chapter Sixteen

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Mother paced around my room as we waited for the maester to arrive. Elina had helped me into a nice hot bath to relax myself, and so I would calm down. My face was tear stained, my body quivering, and my lips dry as I tried to control the emotional breakdown I was having. " You are safe, Visenya," Elina whispered, rubbing my back gently. " Aemond will not hurt you again.".  " Where is the maester!?" Mother yelled to Criston, who stood by the door.

" I am here. Forgive me, your grace.". The high maester came in, placing his bag down on my table as he turned to me. Ser Criston locked the door so nobody could interrupt us. " May I ask what has happened, princess?" The maester asked. I turned my head away, staring straight at the wall as I began to shake. " The princess has been raped." Mother spoke up." Violently, I might add, when I came to see her."  Mother stopped, glancing at me before continuing." There was blood, on her sheets and her undergarments. She has not stopped shaking, and she refuses to speak. Help her.". My mother cried.

The master knelt beside me, " I know you are in pain, princess. I am not asking you to speak to me. All I ask is that you let me look at you so I can make sure whoever did this did not hurt you permanently.". I nodded my head. " Okay," I mumbled. I gripped the side of the bath and forced myself to stand, my mother's eyes dropping to my hips as she held her mouth in horror.

" By the seven," the maester whispered. " Let me help you."  The maester held his arm out for me to take, helping me balance as I stepped out of the bath and stood naked in front of everyone present.

I winced in pain as the maester gently grabbed my hips, " It hurts?" " Yes, he dug his fingers into my skin." . " Lay down on the bed, princess."  I nodded my head and slowly lay on the bed, shaking in fear. I grabbed my mother's hand as the master moved my legs to get a better look. His fingers slipped into me as I began to feel around. He pulled his hand back and began to wash his hand quickly.

" Well?" Mother asked." What is the damage?". " The princess is bruised. It will take some time for her body to heal.".  " Is she permanently damaged?". " No, the princess should be fine in a couple of days. I have some bath salts to help her heal. A twenty minute bath, twice a day.". " How do I stop her shaking?" Mother asked as Elina covered me with my robe. " Unfortunately, there is nothing to be done. It is her body's reaction to the trauma it has suffered. My advice, your grace. Let her sleep somewhere else for a few days. Anything that reminds her of her attacker should be kept away from her.".

" It was her brother maester.". " Aegon did this?" " Aemond." My mother's voice cracked. " He raped her because she refused to run away with him to wed in secret.". " Your Grace, this is very serious. I think you should call upon the small council with the King. If Aemond is turning to anger and rage and hurting the woman he wants to wed, then he could be very dangerous.". " The council would have his head." " Then you must speak to Aemond and make him see reason.".

" Aemond will not see reason," I cried. " All he has ever wanted was for me to be his wife, and you all ripped that from him. He is angry, and he is violent. There is no speaking to him when he is like this.". " Then what do you suppose we do, princess?". " There is nothing to be done. Aemond is furious with everyone right now. He attacked me, and I know for a fact he has flown off on Vaghar to take his anger out on something with his sword."  " Then we must take whatever precautions we can until he has calmed. Maybe now would be a good time to select a bride for him, your grace. That would take this mind off of Visenya.".

" You are all fucking idiots!" I yelled out " Visenya!" " Aemond does not want another wife. He wants me, and if he doesn't get me, then he is going to drag me away on Vaghar and force me to wed him. Are your old brains so full of stupid politics that you can not see this?!". " Then what are we supposed to do, Visenya?". " Tell Rhaenyra and Daemon of what happened. Move the wedding forward, and I can leave to Dragonstone where I will live with my husband.". " You will willingly marry Jacaerys?" Mother asked." You think I want to be anywhere near Aemond after he hurt me? I would rather die than be his wife after this.".

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