We had all sailed to Pentos to be with Daemon and his children for the funeral. Mother had us all dressed in black and made us all give our condolences to Daemon. I made my way over to my uncle and took his large hand in mine, which took him by surprise. " I'm truly sorry for this loss, uncle. Laena was a wonderful woman, and I'm sure your son would have been just like you.".
Daemon gave me a small smile. " Thank you for your kind words, Visenya. You speak like a true princess now.". " The Queen says it is time for me to start my duties and become more of a woman and princess.". " There she goes, taking all the fun out of youth again." He smiled. " Make sure you have fun when you aren't performing your duties.". " I train when I have the time. Ser Criston has been my new teacher since Ser Hawrins passed.".
" My brother, let's you wield a sword?" Daemon asked, amused. " Of course, I have shown an interest in the skill for many years now. However, he also says I am to be just like our ancestor Visenya Targaryen.". " He's always been obsessed with those dreams. Do not let him push his ambitious into you, Visenya. You can be much more than our ancestors.". " Thank you, uncle. My condolences again.". I smiled before stepping back and standing next to my brothers.
Aegon was drinking wine as he stood next to Aemond, both looking over our sister as he mumbled something to herself and held a spider. " I'll be having words with Mother when we arrive home," Aegon scoffed. " What's the matter now, Aegon?" I asked, standing next to him. " Mother says if father does not make an arrangement for me, then I will have to wed Helena.".
" Surley father would make a marriage for you. You are his firstborn son."." She's an idiot." " She's your sister Aegon. Don't be so cruel to her.". " She's your future queen." Aemond sighed at our brothers comments. " Did Father say you would wed Helena if he didn't find a match?" I asked." No, I'm sure this is Mother's idea. Apparently, Rhaenyra wished to wed Helena to Jace. This is Mother's way of telling her no.".
" I don't think Father wishes for you and Helena to marry." I gave Aegon a small smile." Father's too keen on having the conqueror again. " Aemond agreed with me. Aegon suddenly turned his head to me with a big grin." That's it!". " I'm sorry?" I asked, confused." Father wants the next generation of Targaryens to be like the conquerors. Visenya, you will be my bride."
My lilac eyes opened wide. " I beg your pardon?". " Mother would never let you marry Visenya, she's only ten years old" " I haven't even had my first bleed yet" " Exactly, that gives me a few more years to have fun instead of being a husband to some stupid girl.". I gave Aegon a look. " Please Visenya, won't you do me this favour?" ," Marrying you isn't a favour, Aegon. I won't be marrying you just so you can whore around a few more years. If I marry, it will be for duty or love.".
Aegon rolled his eyes. " You and I both know if I ran this idea by our father, he would agree to it." " Then don't say it to him. I will not be forced into the wedding, my oldest brother.". " Please, Visenya. I never ask you for anything, if we marry you can fuck whatever man you want. You can birth his children for all I care.". I stared at Aegon in disgust before turning my head away from him. " That is horrid and unjust. I can't believe you would ever say something so cruel to me.".
My chest rose and fell heavily as I felt the adrenaline of anger flow through my veins. " Wouldn't that be a good marriage? I can bed who I wish, and you can bed whatever man you fall in love with. Everyone wins.". " No, Aegon, do not ask me again, and don't you dare say a word of this to our father. You disgust me. " I spat before storming away from my brothers and found my sister Rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra had just sent off my nephews away to speak to their cousins. " What troubles you, sweet girl?" Rhaenyra asked with a gentle smile. " Rhaenyra, were you forced into your marriage with Laenor?". Rhaenyra gave me a surprised look before giving me a small smile. " I was not forced. He was picked for me. I was very picky, you see, " she smiled." I had gone on tour to pick a husband, and I never seemed to find a man I liked. So, my father said he would find a man for me, one who is strong and handsome, so together we chose Ser Laenor.".
I nodded my head. " Has the Queen been speaking of arranging a marriage for you?" ," No, Mother said not till my first bleed.". " Then why the sudden interest in marriage?". I sighed as I looked over at my brother's. " If the King doesn't arrange a marriage for Aegon, then my mother will wed him to Heleana. Aegon is against this idea.".
" I assume he said something that offended you?". " He asked me to marry him so he could have a few more years of fun. I told him no, so his counter offer was that if I agreed to marry him, he would let me bed whomever I wanted. That I could bear bastards for these men, and he wouldn't care.". " He is a man, Visenya. Most men are stupid at his age. You and I both know the Queen will not allow this.". " He said he will speak to our mother when we return home, and if she disagrees with calling off the marriage to Helena, then he will say it to the King himself. We are all aware of how much he wants the next generation to be like Aegon the conquer, and Visenya was Aegons chosen wife. If father agrees, I'll have no choice but to wed Aegon.".
" Visenya, I swear to you, you will not be a bride to Aegon. He is much too old for you, and you have not even bled yet. The King will not wed you to anyone until you come of age. Aegon will wed Helena or another woman.". I nodded my head and took a deep breath. " Thank you, sister, I feel better.". " Of course, besides, you're going to be a Knight, remember." She smiled." Now run along. We are about to have our feast.".
Everyone ate in silence. My nieces were grieving their mother. Lord Corlys, the sea snake, and his wife Princess Rhaenys were grieving their daughter, and Ser Laenor was terribly grieving his sister. Not long after the meal was finished, the children were sent to bed so the adults could grieve properly.
My handmaiden had dressed me for bed and tucked me into bed. I had closed my eyes and felt like minutes had passed before my fathers guards had woken me up and forced me to put on my dressing gown, bringing me into a room full of people.
I stood next to Aegon, Helena, on the other side of him. Aemond sat in front of us, the maester tending to his face as our mother held Aemonds hand. Father furiously walked around the room, waiting for someone to come.
Rhaenyra suddenly burst into the room, as did Lord Corlys and Princess Rhaenys. " Luke," Rhaenyra held his bloody face. " What happened?" ," That is what we are trying to figure out.". Father spoke up. " He stole Vhagar!" Rhaena yelled out. I looked at Aemond. " I claimed her." " She was mine to claim!" Rhaena yelled, and the children began to yell. " Enough!!" The King yelled, making us all go quiet.
" He called us bastards," Luke spoke up. Father turned to Aemond with anger in his eye. " Where did you hear this rumour? Where Aemond?" " Viserys-" " No, I will not have these lies spread about my grandsons. Who told you this lie Aemond?". Aemond glanced towards mother, father turning to her as well before Aemond quickly blamed Aegon.
" Me?", " And you? Where did you hear this lie?" Father asked, standing right in front of me, glaring at Aegon. " Aegon!?" Father screamed, making us all jump in fright. " We know they are. Everyone knows. Just look at them.".
Father looked around the room. Nobody would meet his eye. " These lies are to end! Anyone who speaks another lie of my daughter and grandsons, I will have the pleasure of removing their tongue. Now, all of you say your apologies and makeup.". " Your Grace, Aemond has been permanently disfigured. He is your son Viserys, your blood." Mother cried. " What would have me do, Alicent?".
" I will take one of her sons eyes as well. Ser Criston, bring me the eye of Lucerys Velaryon. He can choose which eye to keep, a choice he refused to give my son.". " Don't move, Ser Criston." ," No, you are sworn to me!" Mother yelled. " As your protector your grace.". " Alicent, do not let your anger cloud your judgement." Father warned her.
Father turned to head back to bed when Mother suddenly pulled Father's blade from his side and charged towards Rhaenyra and her sons. " Alicent!!" Father yelled. Rhaenyra turned around in a panic and grabbed Mother's wrist to push her back, and Lucerys screamed.
" Where is duty?! Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again!" Mother cried out. " Exhausting, wasn't it? Hiding behind the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are." Mother pulled her arms from Rhaenyras, slicing down her wrist as she did.
Everyone froze as we watched the blood flow down Rhaenyras arm. The Queen had attacked the princess. " Everyone to your chambers now, that is enough for one night.".

Visenya Targaryen
FanficVisenya Targaryen, the second of her name and second born daughter of Queen Alicent and King Viserys. The youngest child born from the Queen and King is just like her ancestor, Queen Visenya. Out of all her siblings, she is more like her elder broth...