Chapter Fourteen

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After my talk with Aemond, I went straight to my chambers and had my bath. I was in desperate need of a one after the blood, and mud had dried into my hair from the fight with Aemond. Elina sat by my side, making small talk as I sat comfortably in the hot water.

" Visenya!" Mother yelled as she burst through the door, " By the gods, stop doing that!" I yelled at her. " Tell me what I hear is false. Tell me Aemond did not kiss you in front of everyone in the training grounds.". " He did, but it was an accident.". " Why did he kiss you? What did you do to provoke him?" " I did nothing! If you wish to know, then maybe you should ask Aemond yourself."  " What happened before he did it?". " Nothing, we had our normal training lesson. We had our match, and I won -" " You won?" Mother asked, staring at me in shock. " Yes?".

Mother sighed. " That is why he did it.". " He kissed me because I beat him?" ." Aemond is attracted to power, and you beat him in front of everyone.". " That would explain why he was so lusftful afterwards, princess." Elina smirked at me. " What is that supposed to mean?" Mother asked, glaring at Elina. " H-her hips, your grace." Elina stuttered. Mother turned to me. " Stand, now.". I sighed and stood from the water, exposing the finger bruises on my hips. " Aemond did this?" Mother asked, grazing her fingers against my skin.

" Yes, he did.". " Get the princess moon tea, now!" Mother yelled at Elina." Yes, your grace.". Elina bowed before quickly leaving the room. Mother grabbed my arm and pulled me from my bath, throwing my robe to me so I could cover myself. I tied it around my waist and sat down. My mother picked up my brush and gently began to brush my long hair.

Mother was quiet for a moment, but she kept staring at me through my mirror, a sorrowful look on her face. " What troubles you, mother?". " I know you and Aemond are in love, and if I could, I would wed you to one another." " You would?". " Of course, it would make everything so much easier.".

" Make what easier?" I asked." The King has decided you will marry Prince Jacaerys Velaryon.". I turned to my mother in shock. " What?" Mother sighed, putting my brush down. " The King spoke myself, Rhaenyra and Daemon, this morning. You are now betrothed to Jacaerys. He will begin to court you publicly today.". " No," I cried. " No, I want to be with Aemond, not Jacaerys!". " I'm sorry, Visenya. I tried to fight for you and Aemond. Believe me, I did. I even told your father about your feelings for Aemond, but he has decided. You will be wed to Jacaerys by springs end.".

I cried into my hands. My heart felt like it was breaking inside my chest. " I'm so sorry, Visenya." Mother wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug. " What do we tell Aemond?" " The truth, he will be wed off soon enough after you. But there is nothing he can do. You will be Jacaerys bride.". " Is there nothing else we can do?" I asked desperately." No, I'm afraid there's nothing left to do. I've played all the cards I had Visenya.".

" I have the tea, your grace." Elina announced, placing the tray of tea down on the table. " What if I was to carry Aemonds, babe?". " No!" Mother yelled. " That is enough. You will marry Jacaerys Velaryon, and that is the end of this. There is nothing I can do, Visenya. It is out of my hands.". Mother yelled before sighing. Mother made the tea and handed it to me, watching me drink it. " Get ready for the day, I shall be waiting for you at the dining table.".


I had let myself cry enough for now. I would shed my tears of heartbreak when I was alone in the night. I had made sure I was presentable as Mother wished. A golden dress that hugged my figure nicely, it had long sleeves that blew in the wind as I made my way through the halls of the Red Keep. My hair was done in a simple braid, leaving most of my hair down.

I made my way into the dining room for breakfast, smiling when I sat down next to my mother. Mother smiled and held my hand, Father sitting next to her as we waited patiently for Rhaenyra, Daemon, and Jacaerys to arrive. I glanced to Aemond, who had a confused look on his face, obviously wondering why I wasn't sitting next to him, though he wouldn't have to wait long for his explanation.

The doors to the room opened, and my eldest sister entered with her husband and children, sitting down across the table as they shared their first meal of the day with us. Rhaenyra sat next to Mother, Jacaerys beside Rhaenyra and Daemon beside him. My brothers and sisters stared at us in confusion, " What is happening?" Aegon asked. " I'm glad you have asked Aegon," Father smiled. " I have come up with a solution to our problem. Our house split into two many years ago, and what better way to make it whole again than with a wedding. This morning , I betrothed Princess Visenya to Prince Jacaerys. They shall be married before Springs end.". Father smiled as he looked around the room.

Aemond quickly turned his head to me, his face long as he stared at me for confirmation. " It is true, Visenya will be wed to Jacaerys and when it is their time. They will be the King and Queen of the Seven kingdoms.". I jumped in fright when Aemond slammed his fist on the table and stood from his seat. " I will not accept this!" He spat." Visenya is to be with me. " " Enough!" Mother yelled as she turned to Aemond. " Your father, your King, has spoken. Visenya will wed Jacaerys, and hopefully, that will finally end the suffering we have all endured and save our house from destruction.".

" Aemond," Father called, " I know you have love for Visenya, but this will be good for all of us. I promise to find you a bride worthy of you.". " The only bride I want is Visenya.". " She is not yours to have. Leave and go to your chambers, I will speak to you later.". Mother shot at Aemond. Aemond stood straight and stormed out of the room, slamming the doors behind him in the process.

Mother grabbed my hand in comfort, her thumb rubbing my soft skin gently. " Is there something going in between you two?" Rhaenyra asked." Nothing. " I smiled." I only feel sibling love for Aemond, nothing more." I looked at Rhaenyra, feeling my eyes watering and a tear falling down my cheek. " This is help us all," I smiled. " I am honoured to be the wife of Jacaerys. I will do my best to bring you many heirs and to make you happy.". I smiled at Jacaerys. " I shall do everything in my power to make you a happy wife Visenya.".

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