Chapter Twenty Three

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" What was that?" Daemon asked, storming after me as I made my way through the castle halls. " Cregan was acting like a child. He was pushing Aemond for fun.". " Serves him right, he's a cunt.". I stopped in my tracks and sighed " I didn't want to see my brother hurt and humiliated in front of everyone, not again.". I said tearing up. " You protect him after everything he has done to you?" Daemon asked, looking at me as if I was stupid. " He is my brother.".  " He is also a rapist, your rapist I might add.". " Daemon, that is enough!" Jace yelled as he came through the halls with Rhaenyra.

" Speak some sense into your foolish wife Jacaerys.". " My wife is no fool. She has a kind heart and often gives it to people who are undeserving of it. It's true. But she is no fool." Jace stood beside me, standing proud. " Aemond is her brother, and she wishes not to see him harmed, I respect that as I would wish the same for my brothers.". " Rhaenyra, they are children. They are not ready for marriage or that child that grows in her womb.". " Daemon, please, I was a little older than Visenya when I was carrying Jacaerys. This is her first babe. She is dealing with emotions and hormones for the first time. Visenya will be more emotional and empathetic towards family as I was with my pregnancies.". " I'm sorry if I disappoint you, Daemon.". I stood forward, picking at my fingers " But the last time my brother was publicly humiliated he lost an eye and I will not see it happen again, not by my brother, my nephews or by strangers. I care not for what Aemond has done to me, but I won't let him be hurt like that again.".

My eyes were teary as Daemon stood forward, his long finger pointing at me. " You are a fool, Visenya. Aemond wouldn't give a shit if you were in his place.". " I care for my siblings, Daemon. I always have. I was by Heleanas' side as she suffered in her labours. I am by Aegon's side when our mother takes her rage out on him and I am by Aemonds side whenever he feels depressed and worthless and I will always remain by their sides because I love them all. Flaws or not, I love them.". Daemon just stared at me, his expression unreadable. " I would do the same for my siblings.". Jacaerys spoke up, " As would I.". Luke suddenly spoke, walking behind us with Joffery, Baela, and Rhaena.

" I know you hate my family, Daemon, especially my mother and grandsire, but my siblings and I are the way we are because of how they raised us. We all have our flaws and reasons for you to despise us, but we are children.". I looked between Daemon's eyes with a pleading look. " Our father never showed us any care nor looked our way. I will be happy to admit we were abused in more way than one by my mother and grandsire because no one else protected us. You can't take your rage for my mother out on us. We had nothing but her to rely on, and even then, she helped little.". I glanced to Rhaenyra as she stared at Daemon.

" I am half Targaryen, but I am also half Hightower. My child will have hightower blood flowing through their veins, and I beg you, Daemon, not to take the generational hate out on my babe when they have done nothing to deserve it.". Daemon sighed and pulled me in for a hug. " I apologise, Visenya. I did not mean to make you so upset, I was merely angry you stopped Cregan from putting Aemond in his place.".


Our guests had stayed a few extra days before it was finally time for them to leave. As they had come for our wedding, Jacaerys and I were the ones to bid them all farewell, thanking the great houses for taking part in our celebrations and wishing their families good fortune and health.

We had said goodbye to the Hightowers when the Starks stood before us, the last guests to leave. " Thank you for inviting us to your wedding and including us in the announcement of your babe. The gods shine down on you, Princess.". Cregan smiled. " Thank you, Cregan. I hope you won your bet for the tournament.". Cregan smiled. " I did thanks to you, Princess. You were kind enough to name me the winner.". " Because you were, Aemond fell off his horse first. Besides, I had good money on you.". I smiled, making him chuckle. " I did not know the princess bet on such things.". " I assure you the princess knows a thing or two about fights.". Jacaerys smiled at me.

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