I leaned into Aemonds chest, my fingers gently grazing his smooth skin. " What troubles you, Visenya?" ," Mother's words, they haven't left my mind since that morning.". " That was three days ago. You already know I'm going to win that tournament for your hand. I refuse to let Aegon or any other man have you.".
I looked up at Aemond, his blue sapphire shining in the candlelight. " You swear this to me?" ," I swear this on our ancestors. You will be my wife.". Aemond held my face and pressed a long kiss against my forehead. " You should rest, our dear older sister and her bastard children will be arriving tomorrow.". " Do you think they'll stay? Father's condition has worsened, and Rhaenyra is the heir to the throne.". " Our sister and mother will never live under the same roof again, Visenya. You should remember what our childhood was like with them always arguing.". " I guess you're right." You don't need to think about that. Close your eyes and sleep, my love. It will be a hectic week for you.".
I groaned, waking up to my curtains being pulled open and the bright morning sun shining directly onto my face. " Get out of bed now," Mother snapped. Her dark eyes darted between my naked form and Aemonds that were hidden by nothing more than my blanket. " What's the problem, mother? " ," Don't toy with me, Aemond. Targaryens bed one another, but I hoped you would have stopped after our conversation.".
" Of course not. Visenya will be my bride one way or another." Aemond smirked at our mother. Her eyes suddenly widened when she realised what he was saying, " Fetch the princess moon tea now!" Mother snapped at my hand maiden who practically ran from my chambers to get it.
" How many times have you bed one another?" ," This will be our third, " Aemond smiled." This ends now. We have Rhaenyra, Daemon, and their children under this roof. If they find out you are bedding one another out of marriage, they will use this against us and ruin our family name.". " I don't care what my sister or her bastard children have to say." ," Aemond, please, this week is important for our house. If anything goes wrong, we will be disgracing our family names, and we can't have that happen. So get up, bath, and look presentable before they all arrive.".
My handmaiden came back in a few moments later with a silver tray. A tea cup and a pot of hot water on top. " Thank the gods." Mother sighed as she quickly made the moon tea and handed the cup to me. " Drink it." Mother forced the cup to my lips and made me drink the boiling tea, even spilling some down my neck.
She sighed when I had drank it all, somehow feeling a sense of relief. " Aemond, leave now before someone else finds you in here. Visenya, I have a bath prepared for you.". Aemond left as I made my way to the washroom and sunk into the hot water. My hand maiden began to scrub me clean as my mother went through my clothes to pick out a suitable dress.
" This one will be perfect," Mother smiled, showing off the golden dress she had picked out. The dress had red details over the chest and waist. The sleeves were long and ended slightly puffy at my wrists. " Why must I dress up today? The court isn't until tomorrow morning.". " You must look your best always, Visenya."
My hand maiden began to braid my long white hair when I suddenly realised the time. " Shouldn't I be getting ready for my lesson with Ser Criston?" I asked my mother through my vanity mirror. " No, you will not be attending your lessons for the rest of the week. We need to prepare you for the tournament, pick out your dresses, and decide what braids to do your hair.".
" You know I prefer simple Targaryen braids mother." ," It's a tournament for the princess. Your hair must be elegant and beautiful. We want the Lords of Westeros and their sons to be keen about you.". My hand maiden finished braiding my hair in my usual simple braid before helping me into my dress.
I held onto my bedframe as my hand maiden and my mother pulled on my corset to tighten it. " Stop," I gasped, holding onto my stomach. " This is too tight. I can barely breathe.". Mother pulled on the front of my corset. " It's fine." ," Please, mother, I can't breathe.". Mother pulled the ribbon of my corset to loosen it slightly, tying it in the back and pulling my dress over my hips and tying it.

Visenya Targaryen
FanfictionVisenya Targaryen, the second of her name and second born daughter of Queen Alicent and King Viserys. The youngest child born from the Queen and King is just like her ancestor, Queen Visenya. Out of all her siblings, she is more like her elder broth...