Chapter Twelve

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Father had announced a family dinner. He wanted all of us together at his table like we used to when we were all children. Since I had Lord Vaemond's blood on my dress, I was forced to change into another dress. Elina had pulled out a dark green dress, gold lining the entire corset. The dress was tight against my breasts, popping them out slightly, not enough to cause a scandal with my mother, but enough that I knew men would stare.

I took in a deep breath and made my way to the dining hall for dinner. If I was late, my mother would have my head.

I made my way into the room, seeing everyone else was already present. As I stepped into the room, all eyes fell to me. Mother gave me a look, clearly unhappy with my breasts being somewhat present. Aemond stared at me with a smirk he hid behind his cup, but I knew that look in his eye too well. Rhaenyra gave me a small smile, as did Heleana and my cousins Baela and Rhaena.

Daemon gave me a smirk, one I knew too well. He was proud, hoping for me to stir the pot and annoy my mother. Aegon gave me a smirk similar to Aemond, one I ignored because he knew where I held him in that regard. However, that I wasn't expecting was Jacaerys to be staring, his brown eyes staring straight at my chest as I walked into the room. " Visenya, I thought you weren't going to make it.". Father smiled. " I would never miss our supper, Father. I simply had to change. My apologies for my lateness.".

As I got to my seat next to my brother, Aemond stood up and pulled my chair out for me. " Thank you, Aemond." I smiled, sitting in my seat as he pushed me into the table before taking his own seat again. " You look so beautiful.". We were all taken back by father's words. He normally only kept such kind words for Rhaenyra.

" Thank you, Father.". Father took in a painful breath as he forced himself to stand. " It has been too long since we have sat as one. The last time we had broken bread together was before the tragedy of deaths that took Lord Corlys children.". Father sighed and looked around the table. " I have made many mistakes in my past. One I should have ended many years ago was how I let our family be divided.".

We all sat in silence, knowing very well what Father was talking about. " This excessive fighting amongst ourselves must end. I should have put an end to it myself, but I was a fool. I thought as we grew older, the fighting would end, but now I see I was wrong. I let rumours and arguments tear our family, and I beg of each and every one of you to end it, here and now. Our family has grown weak. We have split ourselves into two, and our house can not stand or survive if we are divided.".

Father slowly reached up and pulled the gold mask from his face,  exposing the decayed horror beneath. " I ask you all this, not as your King, not as your father or husband or brother. I ask you as an old man who has come to realise his mistakes. May we forget our pasts and move forward as one?". " Of course, Father," Rhaenyra spoke up first. " We have all grown, made our own families, and see now where our true hearts lie. We can grow to forget and forgive one another and go forward as one strong house.".

Father smiled and sat down, exhausted from standing for so long. As Father fixed his mask, Rhaenyra stood up and held her cup in the air. " I propose a toast, to Queen Alicent.". We all froze and stared, not knowing where this was going. " In my absence, you have taken care of my father and our kingdom. You have been by my father's side since his sickness took him. You have cared and loved him like a true devoted wife, and I thank you for staying by his side with such strength as you have. To Queen Alicent.". We all cheered and raised our glasses.

Mother stood up next, which was even weirder than Rhaenyra. " I wish to make a toast to you as well, princess. You have experienced such hardships and challenges over the years. I have done my fair share of damage to you as have the court and rumours. I admire your strength, your bravery, and your love that you have not once let fail you. You will make a remarkable queen one day, Rhaenyra. A queen I will happily bend the knee to.". I glanced at Aemond, my eyes wide in shock.

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