Chapter Twenty One

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The hours had passed swiftly, everyone lost in the celebrations, and wine. Jace and I were dancing with each other when Mother and Rhaenyra smiled at us and nodded, telling us it was time for the ceremony. Mother took hold of fathers hand and smiled, helping him stand as he caught everyone's attention in the room. " It is time!" He yelled." Everyone take your seats and bear witness to the union of Princess Visenya and Prince Jacaerys!.".

Jace took my hand and smiled as we stood at the top of the stairs, in front of our family and the great houses of the realm. A member of the high Sept stood before us as we held hands and listened to everything the high sept spoke. " You may cloak the bride under the protection of your house." I turned my back to Jace, allowing him to drape me in the Targaryen cloak before I turned back to face him and took his hands in mine. " Father, Mother, Smith, Maiden, Warrior, Crane, Stranger. I am hers/his, and she/he is mine from this day until the end of my days.". Jace and I repeated as we stared at each other, our eyes never once faulting.

The high Sept tied our hands together with a cloth. " You are now, one mind, one body, one life. From this day till the end of your days.". The high Sept smiled as he pulled the cloth from our hands. Everyone in the room cheered as Jace held my face and pressed his lips against mine in a sweet and passionate kiss. " Let everyone bear witness! To Princess Visenya and Prince Jacaerys!! The future King and Queen of the seven kingdoms and protectors of the realm!.".

I couldn't help but smile and laugh as the men in the room slammed their hands against the tables in celebration for us. Laughing as Jace held my face and continued to press his lips against mine in front of everyone. " Now! It is late, and the celebrations have been the greatest this castle has ever seen. However, now it is time for the bedding ceremony!.". Father smiled, and everyone grew louder in their cheering, making me grow uncomfortable.

" Men! Carry my daughter to her wedding bed!" Father yelled, mother arguing with him as he sat down. I glanced around quickly as a few men made their way towards me before Jace spoke up. " There will be no need for that your grace.". Jacaerys spoke up, catching everyone's attention. His serious face suddenly turned into  a big smile. " I can carry my wife to our wedding bed myself.". He grinned, picking me up, bridal style as all the men in the room cheered and yelled his name as he carried me out of the room and down the hall.

Once we were far enough away, Jace placed me back on my feet and smiled as we walked together. " Thank you, Jace.". " There is no need to thank me. I wasn't going to let a bunch of drunk men carry my bride to our bed.". He smiled, linking my arm with his. We made it to my bedroom, all decorated for the bedding ceremony.

Jace closed and locked the doors, " We don't have to consumate the marriage tonight, Visenya. I wouldn't wish to make you uncomfortable.". " No," I said, turning to Jace. " I am not uncomfortable, I am nervous.". I mumbled, looking up at my husband. " I will be gentle, Visenya. I would not hurt you.". " I know you wouldn't.". I smiled, " This will be my first time lying with you. I do not wish to disappoint you.". " You could never disappoint me, Visenya." I smiled, holding Jacaerys hands as we slowly kissed.

Jace held my face gently, our kiss becoming more intense with each passing second. I let out a small whine as he grasped my breast, wanting him to touch me more. Jace quickly undid the laces of my dress, slipping the material down my body and leaving me fully exposed to him. My face flushed red as Jacaerys brown eyes examined my naked body. The lust in his eye grew more intense as he stared at me.

I kissed Jacaerys roughly, my hands holding the back of his head as he quickly undid his own wedding attire. I pulled his leotard from him and pulled his shirt from his body, my hands pressing against his abdomen. His skin was soft as he wrapped his arms around my body and held me close to him as we continued our kiss. " I wish for you to bed me Jacaerys, make me your wife.". I gasped out, " I will be honoured to lay with you, Visenya.".

Visenya Targaryen Where stories live. Discover now