I swung my wooden sword at Aegon, taking him off his feet as he slipped in the mud and fell on his back. I held my small sword to his neck and smiled as he surrendered. " You are getting better day by day, Princess." Ser Harwin smiled proudly at me. " Look at how much damage you can do after only four moons of training.", " I'm excited to see the damage I can do after a year," I laughed.
Our lesson came to a stop when Ser Laenor came into the training grounds with a smile. " I've come to collect the boys, Ser Hawrin. Princess Rhaenyra has just given birth to another boy.". " That is wonderful news," Hawrin smiled. " You run along to the princess, I will escort the lads to your chambers so they can meet their new brother.".
" Congratulations on another boy, Ser Laenor." I smiled up at him. " Thank you, Princess. You may accompany my sons and welcome the new baby if you'd like?", " That would be an honour ser." I smiled. " I shall tall Rhaenyra our of guests." Laenor turned on his feet and made his way back inside.
" Ser Criston, you can send the princes to the dragonpits for their next lesson. I will escort the princess and the lads to Princess Rhaenyra so they may meet their new sibling and nephew." Ser Criston gave Ser Hawrin a knowing look." Of course.".
Ser Harwin guided us inside. " Are you excited to meet your new brother?" I asked Jacaerys and Lucerys." Yes, we even picked out his dragon egg!" Luke yelled out in excitement. " Calm down, boys. we must be gentle when we meet the new baby.". " Will the Queen be giving you any younger siblings, Visenya?" Jace asked." No, mother said her pregnancy and birth bed were very dangerous for her, so they decided they wouldn't try for any more children after me.".
" We are here," Ser Hawrin knocked on the doors and came inside, ushering us three inside first. " Mother!" Luke yelled as they ran to their mothers side. " We heard you had the baby. Are you okay?" Jace asked. " I'm perfectly fine." Rhaenyra smiled at Jace. Rhaenyra gave the small babe to Laenor, " Look, we even picked out his dragon egg.".
Rhaenyra took a hold of Hawrins' arm so she could sit down. " That looks like the perfect one.". " What is his name?". I asked, standing next to Rhaenyra and holding her arm. " His name is Joffery." She smiled at me. " Thank you for visiting me, sister." ," I always visit you, Rhaenyra." I smiled at my older sister.
" May I?" Harwin asked." Laenor, Ser Hawrin wishes to be introduced to Joffery.". " Of course." Laenor smiled and handed the babe to Harwin." He will be a fine knight.". " Can I hold the baby?" Luke asked, pulling Hawrins arm so he could take his baby brother.
I couldn't help but giggle as Ser Hawrin pushed Luke away, and Laenor grabbed his shirt. " No, no, you two will go to the dragonpits and continue your lessons. You still have much to learn.". " If we have to go, then so does Visenya," Luke complained. " Visenya's bond with her dragon does not need any more improvements. Visenya and Merax have one of the strongest bonds in Targaryen history.".
" May I meet Joffery before I leave for my lesson?" I asked." Of course, sister, sit down, and Ser Hawrin can place Joffery in your arms.". I sat down in a chair beside Rhaenyra and held my arms out as Joffery was gently placed in my arms. " He is so small." ," You'll have a babe of your own in a few years." Rhaenyra smiled at me. " I don't want one." I smiled. " I want to be a warrior, I can't do that and have a babe.".
Rhaenyra laughed and brushed some hair behind my ear. " No, I guess not.", " Visenya will be a fine warrior, Princess Rhaenyra. She is already defeating Aegon in her classes.". " I look forward to seeing you in one of your lessons.". I smiled and handed Joffery back to Rhaenyra. " I must attend my lesson. It was lovely to meet Joffery.". " I can tell he already loves his aunt. No go, don't be too late.".
I rushed down to the dragonpits and smiled when I saw Merax sitting on her regular rock waiting for me. " Merax is waiting for you to ride her princess." The master smiled." However, you are not in your riding clothes.". " I don't need riding clothes." I smiled as I jumped across the rocks, climbing the side of my dragon. " Fly Merax!"

Visenya Targaryen
FanfictionVisenya Targaryen, the second of her name and second born daughter of Queen Alicent and King Viserys. The youngest child born from the Queen and King is just like her ancestor, Queen Visenya. Out of all her siblings, she is more like her elder broth...