Chapter 2

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Okay so now for the most part everything will be in Misty's POV

Happy reading


I looked up as May gave Ash a long kiss and a hug. "I missed you so much Ashy, I hope you don't have to leave that long again without me!" She snuggled under his chin and I threw up a little in my mouth. It's not that I was jealous or anything…ugh, who am I kidding I was jealous!

I glared at him when he smiled down at her and gave her another quick squeeze. I didn't want to be by the "happy couple" anymore than I had too.

I got off the floor and dusted off my pants and went and stood by Brock, who also had a horrified expression on his face. I may have told him my plans to win Ash's heart…

"When did you two start dating?" Brock asked.

"Oh were not dating!" May gladly said and smiled, "It's more of a casual thing."

I raised my eyebrow and rolled my eyes, I had to admit that that was a stupid thing to be with Ash. I mean he has all of these female friends if I got the chance to be his I would let them know without a doubt that he is mine.

"SO…It's like a friends with benefits thing?" I questioned wrapping my hair into a ponytail.

"Can we have this discussion not in front of my mom?" Ash quickly chimed in. I had to roll my eyes, be proud of your slut.

"Yeah guys come on! This is a party!" Iris said smiling and Dawn joined in bobbing her head.

"Yea! I don't care about Ash's love life. Let's eat!"

"Yea" Ash practically pushed May out the way, I smiled at that and followed them to the kitchen.

It took me all of 3 seconds to get there and Ash was already stuffing his face with chicken. I laughed and went to grab a plate.

"Wuh so fhunny" He said while a piece of chicken fell out his mouth.

I cringed and his mom reprimanded him, "Don't talk with your mouth full honey"

He shrugged and went back to stuffing his mouth. I stood and studied his features; he sure has grown up in the past years. Somehow, though, he still looked like the same Ash who stole my bike when we first met. I laughed inwardly, who would've thought it, him frying my bike would lead to a mega crush that just would not go away.

Brock elbowed me and whispered, "You're staring." I blushed and went to fill my plate with chicken salad and macaroni.

Everyone was so excited to see Ash again, and I don't blame them he was a wonderful person and a great friend. I just wished May would get from under him for five minutes! Gosh people are trying to eat here. I bet she smelled like Ash under arm. I hope he wasn’t wearing deodorant.

I sound so bitter, I thought to myself, May wasn’t a bad person at all, and I liked her. I guess I was just being jealous.

When everyone left I stayed behind to help Ash's mom clean up.

"Mom you don't have to clean I'll do it, you worked hard already" Ash came and took the broom from his mom.

Mrs. Ketchum huffed but let her son take the broom.

"Soo…" Ash started off, "whose idea was it to throw me a surprise party."

"I'll keep that my dirty little secret!" I winked and bent to pick up a cup that fell from the garbage bag.

"Damn," I heard Ash say behind me a quickly rose up and turned around. He was bent over sweeping but I saw the faintest blush creep on his cheeks.


"Nothing Misty, I just almost dropped the broom that's all,"

"Ok" I turned around and smirked "Whatever you say Ash.


Wrote this just for Kelsee and Alexi to LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!

Enjoy, thanks for reading


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