Chapter 11

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Saying that Ash and Mrs. Ketchum were both furious would be an understatement.  They were furious for different reasons though, Ash because we decided to have fun without him and Mrs. Ketchum because we completely ruined her yard and it would be a cold day in hell before she let that go unscathed.

So here Brock and I are with a hose rinsing off the lawn while Ash’s mom sits on a lawn chair and Mr. Mime serves her drinks. We needed adult supervision because we started a water fight.

“Is the grass almost clean? Brock this was like the worst idea you could’ve possibly had.” I sighed placing my hand on my hip while I half heartedly sprayed water.

“Yeah, but it got your mind off your failed love life!” Brock chirped happily. I groaned because he was right, our little food fight helped so much, but it still wasn’t worth it.

“Yeah, but now they’re alone in the house! Doing who knows what!”

Brock let out a throaty chuckle and winked, “I know what.”

“You are the definition of an assjack…the…definition.”

He shrugged his shoulders and went back to lazily spraying the grass. It was twenty more minutes before Mrs. Ketchum told us we could stop. She offered us a glass of lemonade but I was terrified to accept it. I wasn’t sure if she was angry at me or not.

Brock took the cool glass from her and drank it down quickly, “Take the drink, it’s not like she poison-“ He grabbed his throat and started coughing, “Don’t drink it! I see the light!”

I laughed along with Mrs. Ketchum, “Misty honey, I would never poison you, I still have hope.”

Chuckling lowly I took the cool glass and downed it too.  It was just the amount of sweet and tart and almost made having the cheese fight worth it…almost. I plopped on the couch and continued on my drink, Brock was right behind me throwing a carless arm over my shoulder.

Nothing was on the TV and I watched a Brock flicked through it aimlessly. He finally settled on a reality show and I groaned in protest.

In that moment, I could just feel the smug smirk he sported. “I have the remote, I control the TV.”

Rolling my eyes I snuggled into the side of his chest, tucking my feet under me, and getting ready to use him as a pillow until it was dinner time. Before I could fully fall asleep I felt my feet being moved and I grumbled in protest swatting at the pesk.

“Ouch!” Ash’s deep voice actually hit a falsetto and the tone made me giggle. I stretched pushing away from Brock to give him a small, apologetic smile. My smile turned into a deep frown when I saw May sitting on his lap, touching over his face trying to soothe the hit. I didn’t even hit him there.

I glared at them, like really glared, if they could see the look I was giving them, they would die from hypothermia. I don’t know if Ash was oblivious to the lipstick all over him and the sated look both of them were sporting, or if his mom just did not care, but I once again, for like the third damn time today felt something in me break.

I cuddled further into Brock and pouted at the screen, painfully aware of the couple sitting next to me.

“Hey Misty?” May said then lightly poked me when I didn’t answer. “Are you and Brock, you know, dating?”

I turned to look at her with every ounce of disgust I could muster and jerked away from Brock. “Gross, no!”

I heard him scoff and felt his arm wrap back around my shoulder. “She’s just shy is all.” Brock planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek and I visibly cringed, “Ain’t that right sweet cheeks?”

“No, it’s not.” I pushed him off me.

“You guys would be so cute!” May supplied grinning from ear to ear. She either genuinely cared, or just wanted me to stay away from Ash, it was probably the latter.

“No they wouldn’t.” Ash said gruffly and pouted, “They would not be cute at all.”

Ten minutes later, I was sill grumbling in the kitchen. I felt someone come up behind me and turned around with a scowl on my face. May stood in front of me with a sheepish grin on her face, “Hey Misty, can I talk to you?”

I wanted to say no so bad, but my mood was already shot, and she could not make it any worse. Boy was I wrong.

“I’m really sorry about the whole ‘going-psycho-girlfriend’ thing over Ash.” She smiled apologetically at me, “If I would’ve known you and Brock I would’ve never started. I’m genuinely sorry.”

I nodded my head numbly and she continued.

“It’s just that Ash has all of these female friends, and sometimes I-I get a little insecure, like he could drop me at any minute, and I really don’t want that. You understand right?”

I understood completely and a seed of guilt got planted so deep in my stomach I actually wanted to puke. She really liked him, I felt like such a horrible person in that minute. I would hate it if the roles were reversed and she was trying to interfere with our relationship, so why was I doing it to her? A weird sense of possessiveness rushed over me and gave me an answer.

Because you love him too much and you only want to be with him.

But, dammit, if I loved him so much, and he was happy with May, why couldn’t I just let him be happy?

“Yeah, I guess I do.” I sighed shrugging my shoulders. No longer was I mad at her, I was furious at myself. I was selfish, a horrible person who didn’t care about anyone else’s feelings but my own.

“I’m so glad you forgive me, I absolutely couldn’t stand myself after I tried to battle you. Like you’re my friend, we might not be close, but still you’re a friend, and I shouldn’t have done that.”

I smiled at her. “No-no it’s okay. I took a part in it, I guess we’re both wrong.” Me even more than you.

“So, you and Brock.” She wiggled her eyebrows and despite myself, I let out a laugh.

“Ew, no. Contrary to what you keep saying, Brock and I are so far from together, he’s more of that brother where you can’t bring your friends home because you know what will happen.”

She let out a laugh too and reached out to get a piece of chocolate and pop it into her mouth. “These are so good, like seriously,”

I nodded my head in agreement and stuck out my hand, “Friends?”

She sent me a chocolaty-toothed grin and took my hand pulling me into a hug, “Friends.”

I groaned in my head. I had mended a friendship and appeased someone’s conscious, but at the price of what, realizing I’m a horrible person and friend, and letting my heart break with the knowledge I’d have to let Ash go for the last time in my life.

I sighed as I sat back on the couch in between Ash and Brock.

“Hey what’s wrong?” Ash asked as he positioned May more comfortably on his lap.

I shrugged my shoulders and gave him a weak smile, “It doesn’t matter. It never really has.”

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