Chapter 9

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The kiss lasted a god ten seconds, and when Ash’s shock wore off he tore his lips from mine and backed up to a reasonable distance. I had a bright blush on my face, but it quickly disappeared when I saw the disgust written all over Ash’s face.

“Pikachu!” He yelled stomping his way over to the furry little rodent, who had a pleased expression on his face. I was only upset because Ash was upset, I should’ve been cuddling up to Pika and giving him all the food he wanted.

Why would you do that? You can’t just go around knocking people’s heads together.” Ash sneered at Pika and I cringed. He did that for me, I shouldn’t let him be berated, better yet I’m not.

Pikachu stood to his full height and looked up at Ash, a look of pure indignation on his face that screamed, ‘I can and will electrocute you, don’t think I won’t’.

I stood up and picked Pika up. “You don’t have to talk to him like he just burned your house down. Don’t be an asshole.” I cuddled Pika to my chest and glared at Ash, “It’s really not that serious.” With that I turned out of Ash’s room and went to sleep on the couch. I didn’t even care about the ramifications if Mrs. Ketchum saw me.

“Thank you.” I smiled down at Pika and he gave me a smile back. I had honestly never felt more upset in my life. He had completely rejected me and it hurt, a lot more than it should’ve. I hadn’t expected him to be overjoyed that we kissed, but that negative reaction was disheartening.

I sighed helplessly and plopped on the couch. I wanted to let the tears flow, but that wasn’t like me. I was resilient and one little rejection wasn’t going to have me running for the hills crying my little heart out. I gripped one of the sofa cushions and crashed it to my chest feeling a heaving in my chest.

I don’t even know why I tried. He had May, he definitely wouldn’t want me. No amount of nice clothes or flirting would ever change the fact that Ash and are just friends. No amount of intervention from anyone would change that fact.

I let out a chocked sob and tried to cover it up with coughing, I didn’t need Mrs. Ketchum coming out here seeing me blubbering like a little baby, and I absolutely didn’t need him to come out and see me a complete mess.

Unrequited love is a bitch.

I just wanted to lay back and laugh it off, think that maybe I still had a chance, but I didn’t and I won’t. I felt water on my cheeks and buried my face into the couch cushions. Why did it have to hurt so much? I kept my mouth closed muffling the sobs that were trying so hard to escape.

Everything in me was hurting. It felt like Ash had just ripped my heart out stomped on it and repeated the process with every single part of my body. I knew nothing was physically wrong with me, I knew my arms weren’t lead and tongue wasn’t trying to choke me. I also knew my heart wasn’t buried somewhere deep on another planet in another galaxy and my soul wasn’t a pit of dark ugliness where pretty nice things went to die.

I knew all of this, and I knew I was being overly dramatic. It wasn’t the end of the world, it wasn’t even the  end of my life, but it felt like it. I would wake up in the morning and smile, like I didn’t have a care in the world. I would laugh, I would joke, and I would be his best friend and act as if he didn’t have my very essence wrapped around his little finger.

I had no recollection of going to sleep, but I woke up to Pikachu jumping on my back. I groaned rolling over, effectively knocking him to the floor and stretched. My muscles were tight and uncomfortable from being balled up in the feta position all night. I had a killer headache and my face felt puffy. I felt like every appendage on my body had been ripped off my torso and stitched back together again, like Frankenstein’s Monster. I scoffed, I probably looked like him too.

Down the hall, a door opened up and I realized what Pikachu had been telling me. If I didn’t want to get kicked out of the house, I would get my butt up and make it look like I hadn’t just been sleep ten seconds ago.

I wiped some drool off my cheek and reached for the remote turning the TV on to a current Poke battle.

Mrs. Ketchum’s chipper voice rang out about three minutes later, “Good morning Misty.”  She seemed overly perky for my overly depressed mood. I probably had a storm cloud hanging over my head, but I smiled back anyway.

“Hi!” I tried for happy, but it came out more slightly irritated and I cringed. I didn’t want her feeling like I was being rude when she had been overtly nice.

She didn’t seem to notice because she sent me another bright smile, “Breakfast will be ready in a few. How does chocolate chip pancake sound?”

My stomach rumbled in agreement and we both laughed. I got up and headed to the bathroom. I cringed when I saw myself in the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy, my face was pale and my hair looked like a nest.

I grabbed the comb I had kept in here and started the long process of untangling. By the time I was done breakfast was ready, I left the bathroom only to run right into the person I was hoping to avoid even though I knew I couldn’t.

Ash gave me a smile and hugged me to him. I was ramrod straight, but I wanted so badly to give in and hug him back, but the rebuff still felt like it happened only seconds ago.

“I know you’re mad at me for yelling at Pikachu, I’m sorry.”

I felt tears prickle at the back of my eyes and decided to run with it. If he thought I was upset about that, I would let him. I hit his chest harder than I meant to, but I still didn’t feel any better. “It’s not me you should apologize too.”

I frowned up at him and saw the regret in his eyes. I knew he was hurting, but I was too. We both walked into the kitchen and sat down. Mrs. Ketchum placed two plates down, one full of pancakes and the other bacon. I took a in a deep breath and let it out, I could do this. I could act like it didn’t matter. No, better yet, I would do this. With that thought, I sent Ash a smile and grabbed from the stack of pancakes.


A/N I hope you enjoyed, I promise the next one won’t be so…depressing…it’ll have Brock so yaaay, comedic relief. Also, the next update will be sooner. Oh, and longer too.

By my Lovelies *mwah*

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