Chapter 14

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Zachariah smiled at me as I entered the Pokémon café. It was a place where everyone, but designed for the trainers, could come eat, socialize, train, battle, and most importantly let their Pokémon have a chance to get out and meet others.

This was our third ‘date’ and I was enjoying myself more and more. He was a sweet, understanding person, and even though he’s told me he was interested in me, he knows what it’s like to try and get over someone. He was great, absolutely great, and he was helping me realize that maybe, just maybe Ash wasn’t my soul mate. And even if he was I wouldn’t want him, or that’s what I’d like to tell myself.

“Hello my beautiful water queen.” He smiled at me again and I couldn’t contain the grin that came across my face. “It’s nice to see you again. Aren’t you going to let your Pokémon free?”

I felt the blush light my cheeks before I could stop it, “Yeah, just hold on a second.” After I let all of them out I smiled at each one of them and told them to play nice, especially Psyduck, he never plays nice.

When I came back over Zachariah was laughing, “Did you really just yell at the poor guy.” He smirked and took my arm, “He didn’t even look like he was halfway listening.”

I rolled my eyes but smiled fondly over that dumb duck, “You honestly do not know the half of it. Psyduck has been a huge pain since I got him, probably before I got him.”

“You know you love him.”

“Yea, I guess you can say I have some affection towards the little bug.” I teased, I loved Psyduck. Yea he made my life way harder than it needed to be, but so did everyone else, and I wasn’t just going to get rid of them. Psyduck was no different. He’s grown on me.

Zachariah poked me in my rib making me squeal, “Say it.”

I knocked his hand away and sent him a playful glare, “Say what?”

“That you love the little trouble maker.”

I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out, “You can’t make me.”

“I bet I can.”

“I bet you can’t”

“I bet I can.”

“I bet you ca-“ I was laughing now, but I hated it, I hated getting tickled, it was the worse. It was like somebody was trying to kill you, but instead of the proper response of screaming for help you laughed uncontrollably.

It was the worst.

I was squirming and fighting to get away and when I absolutely couldn’t take it anymore I screamed “Psyduck I love you!”


And both Zachariah and I burst out into real, as in not forced by the hands of someone, honest laughter.

“Come on, let’s sit.” He took my hand again, “I want you to meet someone, an old friend. He wanted to meet you. Said I talk too much about you.” He laughed. “Even though I’m sure it’s not that much, but if you ask him, I’m obsessed with you.” He realized how that sounded and his eyes got wide, “Well that sounded worse than I meant it too, I am not obsessed that’s like really creepy.”

I laughed and hit his shoulder, “Should I be worried.” I teased.

“Not at all. I am like eighty-five percent normal.” He scoffed smiling down at me. “You’ll be fine.”

If I had just met him first. I sighed and continued walking with him. Everything in me was telling me that I was leading him on, but if you asked my sisters he was great for me. They absolutely adored him, and if they could control it, I would be with him. But why did I feel like I didn’t deserve him.

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