Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to To all the wonderful people who enjoy this, I'm sorry for the wait!!!

I was lying down on the couch, using Pikachu as a pillow, when loud knocking came from the front door. Ash and his mom were out spending ‘You’ve-Been-Gone-Forever-so-We’re-Taking-a-Family-Day’ family day. I knew they shouldn’t be back yet, they just left two hours ago, but knowing Ash and his mom, it was a strong possibility.

I sighed, getting up from my comfortable position when I heard the furious knocking again. “I’m coming, I’m coming” I mumbled as a slowly shuffled my way to the front door. I was feeling slightly depressed, I was supposed to start the plan today, but Ash was gone and there was absolutely no need. I didn’t need to practice make-up, or hair, or clothes, I already knew them, I just chose not to do it.

I yanked the door open, letting a scowl easily slip on my face when I saw who was on the other side. “May, it’s nice to see you again.” I greeted her, but with a cold edge in my voice.

She gave me a genuine smile and I immediately felt bad. She was a nice girl who really didn’t deserve what I was going to do and how I had been treating her.

“Hey, Misty, is Ashy-poo home?”

I choked on a laugh. Ashy-poo? “No, he’s not, he’s out with his mom.”

The sweet smile she had been wearing slowly slid off her face, it was replaced with a frown, “Good, I need to talk to you.”


“No don’t even open your mouth. When I said I need to talk, I meant. Now, I talk you listen.” Her nose flared, I crossed my arms feigning indifference. “Stay away from my boyfriend Misty. I’ve worked to hard to get him, and I’m not letting some home-wrecking hussy take that from me. He may have known you longer than me, but he likes me so much better.”

I scoffed and let my nose crinkle, “When did you get so bitchy?”

“When I have to fight for what’s mine. I hope we have an understanding now, keep your claws out of Ash. If you so much as touch him I will know.”

I laughed joyfully making her face flush a deep red out of anger, “Back off show girl” I spit it as if an insult, “If I wanted Ash you would know.”

Her eyes flamed as they met mine, “I do know, everyone knows, everyone except Ash. And you know what all of Ash’s and I’s friends think of you.” She laughed humorlessly, “They call you a cheap slut behind your back. They don’t like you, never have never will.” She smirked triumphantly, “Even if you did get Ash all you would have was my leftovers.”

I flinched when she finished her diatribe, “You know nothing about my feelings towards Ashy-poo, don’t you dare even try saying you do. I’m not going to explain my actions to you. You’re not friggin worth it.” I growled out, I wanted to hit her, it was my fault she was acting like this, but I wasn’t going to sit here and take it.

“You’re a selfish son of a bitch,” She pushed me inside the house and closed the door behind herself. “Do you even hear yourself?” She chuckled darkly,  “I don’t need to explain myself.” She mimicked me in an overly high pitched voice, “You don’t need to explain yourself? I think you do.”

I pushed her and her back hit the door letting out a loud crack. Pikachu woke up ready to defend me from an intruder. “May, I don’t have to answer to you! Maybe I am after Ash, maybe I’ve always loved him, maybe I’m not. All I know is that you’re afraid.” I laughed knowingly.

“Afraid of what?” She growled out, grabbing a place on her back and kneading it gently, “I’m not afraid of you.”

“You’re terrified of a little friendly competition. You know if I got to him, I would win, you’re scared I have some unknown power over Ash. Don’t deny it, you’re afraid of what I can take from you.”

She sneered at my statement. “You wish I was as frightened of you as you think I am. Honestly, you’re nothing but the gum on the underside of a school desk.” She jeered.

I couldn’t help what was going to come out of my mouth, I smirked as I said, “That’s not what Ash thinks.”

“Why you little-“ She growled and lunged at me, in less than five second we were a bundle of fists, kicks, scratches, and slaps, not even caring of the objects around us. We were so caught up in our fight we didn’t even hear them come in. I felt someone rip me off of May and place me behind their back, I was going to lunge around them but a strong hand held me back. I looked up, seeing red, Ash was looking down at me rubbing a soothing hand across my arm. I heard May let out a tiny sob, “You always pick her, even when I’m bleeding, you always run to her.”

“She’s bleeding too.”Ash said in his defense and walked over to her trying to grab her arm, but she jerked it out of his grasp and folded it across her chest. “Girls, come on, I can’t handle both of you.”

“Then don’t.” Mrs. Ketchum said fiercely, her eyes locked on all of us one at a time then back to her blood stained carpet, she let out a shaky breath and glared. “I wouldn’t want to deal with either one of you. May, go home. Misty, f this,” She gestured around the room. “ever happens again, I want you out, no apologizes, no explanations, just out.” Mrs. Ketchum patted Ash on the shoulder and walked into the kitchen.

“I think it’s best if I just leave.” I mumbled looking at my feet, feeling chastised at her disappointment.

“No,” Ash screamed and locked me into his arms, “Mom’s just mad, she’ll get over it. You have to stay” He gave me a puppy dogface and I nodded my head.

I looked over his shoulder and saw May shaking with rage, “I challenge you to a Pokémon battle,” She stormed out the door and I followed.

As soon as I got in place she got a Poké ball and threw it, “Blaziken, I choose you.”

I sighed and picked a Poké ball, “Po-“ I saw a blast of light come from my side and immediately knew what happened, I sighed helplessly and resigned myself to fate.


I heard Ash laugh from the doorway, probably remembering all of the times this has happened.

“Psyduck use-“ Before I could even open my mouth he had attacked, I inwardly groaned, but when Blaziken started to hit himself I laughed out loud. I wasn’t taking this battle seriously, not at all, I was just waiting for Jigglypuff to jump out of nowhere, or Team Rocket to try and snatch up Pikachu.

I heard May yell an attack, but Blaziken didn’t listen and soon enough, her Pokémon was on the ground. We both called ours back into their ball. May had a look of complete dejection on her face.

“Why don’t you just give up?” I whispered in her ear as I walked past her to get into the house.

She grabbed my arm halting my movement, “I’ll never give up, I will never stop. At the end of the day, Ash will continue to be mine.”



Hi guys, how ya doing? See what had happened was…I kinda…then I…yeah…well, it’s uploaded! Hee hee? No hee hee, okay, I understand…I’m sorry. Thank you guys for enjoying my story and waiting patiently, or impatiently for me to upload this. I am a horrible person who sucks. I know this, you don’t have to tell me. I suck at Battles too, I know this also. So with all of this being said, I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you don’t completely hate me for the wait, and I’m sorry!



Bye my Lovelies mwah =* =)

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