Chapter 5

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(Ash's POV)

That was a long day, May was absolutely pissed, but I eventually got her to calm down long enough to explain. She would not let it go until I took her out somewhere. I tried to go back to my home and change, but she said that if she saw Misty she wouldn't be responsible for her action, and I didn't want Misty to break anything on May.

It was honestly the longest five hours of my life, we went and saw a long boring move then walked around the stores for 2 hours and 55 minutes. I literally only had five minutes to eat, because I wasn't doing this any longer.

"Ash, why are you walking so fast? Wait up,"

I turned around and let out an exasperated sigh, "I have to get home May, I need to feed Pikachu."

She huffed at me and sent me a glare, "Fine go feed him! But don't expect me to come to you when you want me!"

I gave her a blank look and shrugged my shoulders, "K." I took off running towards my house. I knew I was being rude, and I would definitely have to apologize to her later.

When I got home I saw Misty and Pikachu on the couch. Misty was snoring softly using Pika as a pillow while he was trying to squirm out of her grasp.

"Pikachu!!" He did a lightning attack and Misty fell off the couch screaming. I wanted to laugh so bad but her face screamed murder. Pikachu went towards her and rubbed his cheek against hers, the brave soul that one is.

She finally looked over at me and she blushed, "Sorry about the whole thing,"

I shrugged and went to pick up Pikachu, "It's cool we made up."

"Why do you like her so much, I mean I know she's a nice person and all, but you guys don't really click?"

"Who do you think I should be with then?"

She shrugged, sitting up, she was still in one of my t-shirts. That reminded me I should probably give her, her clothes back. "Anyone but her."

Even if I did somewhat agree with her, I couldn't just allow her to talk about May that way. "You don't know anything about it, Mist."

She scoffed, "Really, Ash, if you were so proud of her why didn't you tell me or Brock about her. Don't sit here and defend what you 'have' when you can't even own up to being with her. Apparently it's not that important when not even Brock, who is your closest friend knows!"

"Oh, you think you have got it all figured out. You really think I'm ashamed of her? I'm not. Maybe we aren't the perfect couple, maybe I didn't want to tell you because of this!" I yelled at her and she grew more furious, she didn't open her mouth though. "Why do you even care as it is?"

"Because I'm your friend!"

"A friend would support my choices,"

"Not if they're self destructive."

"You know Misty, May is a good person she never has done anything to you. What's with the sudden animosity?" She looked away from me, but I wasn't having that, I grabbed her arm, "Answer me!"

She snatched her arm out of my grip and pushed me away from her. I stumbled back two steps to give her some breathing room. Her face was red and her eyes were wet with unshed tears.

"You know what forget it Ash, just…forget it. I'm leaving"

I scoffed and snatched her wrist before she could get away, "No you aren't not without answering me, first."

Her nose flared, "Don't touch me you ninnyhammer!"

I laughed, "What's a ninnyhammer?"

"An idiot," She smiled at me, and my heart dropped, I really liked her smile. I pulled her to me and wrapped her in my arms.

"Tell me why? Please just answer my question."

"Can you let it go, please,"

"No" I felt her trying to get away from me but I held on to her tighter, we weren't leaving this alone. She bit my chest but I refused to let her go and I think she realized that.

"Because I like you." It was mumbled into my shirt and I stiffened. What she liked me?

"Wh-what? Misty we couldn't be together…it wouldn't be…uh…we're better…what would…uhm…"

She pulled away from me and rolled her eyes. "Not like that, dumb nuts, I like you as a friend and as a person, I just really don't want to see you get hurt."

"oh, oh, oh, phew" I wiped imaginary sweat off my brow and plopped down on the couch, turning on the T.V.Misty sat on the opposite end and that kind of hurt my pride, I had no idea why. She probably just didn't want me thinking that she liked me and decided space was the best option.

"Misty, Red! Dinner time."

"Red?" I didn't want to turn toward her because I knew she was looking my way with a smirk on her face, "Your mom calls you Red?"

"Shut up," I grumbled walking into the kitchen.

"No problem Red," Misty's laughing voice sounded beside me, and I couldn't help myself, I smiled.


A/N There you guys go =), Brock will be in the next chapter and him and Misty will start plan "Get Ash," let's see how well that works out ;) and for anybody who likes May and is reading this I'm sorry if I make her sound whiney and like a bad person, she will get a lot more likeable later! Thanks for reading Vote comment fan Bye my lovelies mwah =*

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