Chapter 6

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"Misty, you cannot walk around the house like that. You have to let Ash know you're 'available' and that outfits not doing it," Brock groaned.

"I am trying to get Ash to date me, not have sex with me there's a difference. I refuse to dress whorish."

"It's all gonna lead to the same thing." Brock mumbled and I hit him, "What! Honesty is the best policy!"

"Brock come on! I need help, you know what boys like in girls,"

"Have you seen my track record, seriously Mist. I can't get a girl…"

I laughed so hard I fell back in the chair. We were currently in a very crowded store in the middle of the mall. A couple of people turned to look at us and frowned. When the pretty saleslady came over Brock threw a wool sweater on my face to muffle my laughter. I jerked the sweater off and saw the lady looking very confused.

"She wanted to uhm…test how it felt against her skin…yeah"

"In the middle of summer?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

"Yeah…she has this thing where she…uhm…"

"I'm sorry, he has this thing about pretty girls." I cut in before he could embarrass himself further, that's my job.

"Aww that's cu-"

"Yeah, he's allergic, but I would really appreciate your help"

She gave Brock another strange look and took a step further away from him, she gave me a smile and nodded her head, "How may I help you"

"You see there's this boy, we've been friends for a really long time, and I am on a mission to get him" She nodded her head enthusiastically and clapped her hands, "Brock over here, bless his heart, thinks I should wear this," I held up the purple mini skirt and lace see through top he had for me. "Now me, being the owner of my body, I don't want to wear that."

She nodded her head "I think we have the perfect thing for you." She ran off in another direction and came back five minutes later with armfuls of clothes.

"I think these would look really nice on you, and impress the boy you like."

I took them from her and smiled giving her a thank you, I pulled Brock into the dressing room area.

"Sit here and stay"

"I'm not a dog."

"I know, I just don’t want anyone calling out sexual harassment again."

"That was one time." He huffed and crossed hhis arms, "Go try on your clothes or something."

"Yeah one time too many." I laughed and made my way into the room. She had picked out so many clothes for me, I wasn't going to buy all of them, but I could try them on. It definitely wouldn't hurt anyone.

I guess trying on all of them could hurt someone. It could hurt my bank account. I bought 75 percent of the things I tried on. I am so sorry money…so sorry.

When Brock saw my bags his eyes got big, " long do you think it would take to get Ash to notice you."

"Not that long" I shrugged, "but you have to prepare for the worse."

"You could always, oh, I don't know, wash them."

"Ah shut up! I liked 'em, you said they were cute, and I needed new clothes since Ash doesn’t remember where he hid them."

"I am a man!" He said rubbing his temples, "I would've said and done anything to get out of there."

I laughed, "Well aren't you the charmer, I've no idea why you don't have a girlfriend."

"The ladies, they just can't handle the Brock Man" he smirked and grabbed the majority of my bags, "I mean who can?"

I scoffed, "No one Mister Brock Man. Your pure awesomeness is just too…indescribable."

"I know, only one of your sisters can tame the beast that is Brock."

I rolled my eyes, "Daisy is getting married and Violet has warned Lily away from 'the Brockster',"

"I have no idea what I did to Violet to make her hate me so much! The Sensational Sisters are quite-"

"Don’t you dare finish that sentence you pervert."

"What? I was just gonna say they're sensational" He laughed and threw his arm around me.

"Yea, sure whatever. I'll ask, but I'm going through Daisy."

He smirked, "Lunch, on me."

When I got back to my temporary home, I dropped my bags and went in search of Mrs. Ketchum. She was busy in the kitchen and I offered my help.

"Thank you but no, go put your bags in Ash's room."

When I walked in, I saw Ash laying on his bed throwing Pikachu in the air.

"You know what would be funny…if Pikachu just decided, 'screw this' and electrocuted you."

Ash was distracted and Pikachu came slamming down on his chest and then running towards me.


"What do you have in the bags?" Ash asked sitting up.

"Clothes since somebody decided to hide them and then lost them"

"Yeah I'm sorry about that," He grabbed the back of his neck and blushed, "I could've gotten new ones for you."

"Really? Because I'm still waiting on that bike."


A/N Well there you go guys. I hope you enjoy it. I want to put a poké battle between May and Misty in the next chapter, but I have no idea how those work anymore lol Google here we come!!

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