Chapter 3

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"Misty dear," Ash's mom came in when we were finished cleaning, "Where are you staying while you’re here."

"I was probably going to walk-"

"Nonsense, you're staying here" she gave me a megawatt smile, "You'll have Ash's room, Ash you'll sleep on the couch"

"No, I couldn't do that I mean he just got back-"

"You're right, share the bed," Mrs. Ketchum squealed and clapped her hands.

"WHAT? NO!" Ash and I yelled at the same time, Mrs. Ketchum scowled and sent us both a look.

Ash instantly shut his mouth but I was a little more persistent, "Mrs. K, I can't exactly kick Ash out-"

"You're not kicking him out"

"of his own room, and we really can't share a bed-"

"He can sleep on the floor."

"It real-"

"I DON'T CARE, WHAT I SAID IS FINAL" She glared at the both of us, "Now are we understood sweeties."

We both nodded our heads frantically.

"Good," She went to Ash and gave his cheeks a painful pinch. "So adorable" She did the same to me and smiled at the both of us, "good night kiddies, and if I get up and see that you" She pointed at Ash "are sleeping anywhere other than your room or you" She pointed at me, "are sleeping anywhere other than that nice bed than I'm hurting both of y'all"

"Yes ma'am" Ash did a mock salute and I laughed, his mom sent a glare my way and I quickly followed suit. She smiled and turned to walk to her room.

"Has she always been that scary?" I asked Ash as I plopped myself on the couch.

He laughed and sat right next to me, "Yea you just never noticed," He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and gave it a squeeze, "I missed you so much Mist"

"Hmm" I smirked, "How much did you miss me?"

"A whole lot" He stated twisting a strand of my hair.

"Why don't you show me…"

"It'll be my pleasure."

Before I could count to three, I was laying completely on the couch, screaming at the top of my lungs, and trying to get away from Ash's fingers.

"Okay stop it! I understand you missed me," I laughed and rolled onto my stomach, "stop tickling me"

He stopped for a while and I took a deep breath "than-Ash stop tickling me!" I was once again suffering from his merciless attack.

When he finally stopped, he was grinning down at me, "I will kill you," I don't think my threat scared him much.

"You should see your face,"

I had a good idea how I looked, my hair was probably wild and my eyes were filled with tears from laughing so hard. I frowned at him but I laughed anyway. I missed these moments, I missed him.

"Ugh I cannot stand you!"

"Yeah, yeah, we should probably get ready for bed" Ash grinned at me, "ladies first"

I stood up and practically ran to the bathroom. I had to text Brock what was going on. I had a huge smile as I jumped into the shower. I was singing when all of a sudden my nice luke warm water got burning hot.


I heard Ash's laughter and screamed a whole line of threats. If I hadn't been naked I would've ran after him I swear!

I reached out to get my towel but grasped nothing but air. I know he did not…I stepped out of the shower and looked around. Absolutely nothing was in there. No towels, no clothes, he even took the extra freaking shampoo bottles. Why did I like him again!?

I groaned in frustration and peeked my head through the door, I didn’t see any one and decided to just take my chances. My clothes were in the linen closet. I could just grab a towel while I'm in there. I ran down the hall and slipped landing on my butt right in front of the closet.

"Sweet sanctuary" I tugged the door open and was met with…nothing. I wanted to scream out but I didn't want to wake Mrs. Ketchum.

I ran back to the bathroom and was met with a very locked door.

I heard Ash laughing his fine little butt off in there and I saw red. "Ash if you don't tell me where my clothes are I swear I will murder you in your sleep like my name is Freddy." I jingled the doorknob, "Ash open this door wait no, put a crack in this door so I can hurt you."

"Not gonna happen babe!"

Is it wrong that in the current situation my stomach did back flips when he called me that?

"Ugh fine," I stalked off towards his room, I'll just have to wear some of his clothes. He'll tell me tomorrow hopefully. I grabbed a t-shirt from his dresser and slipped that on with some boxers. I snuggled into his warm bed and was sleep in minutes.

I woke to Ash trying to take a spare pillow from his bed, I checked him out slyly and stretched getting a fell off his oh so perfect abs. He tensed when my skin touched his and I sat up slowly.

He grabbed the pillow and threw it on the floor, "Sorry I woke you up, go back to sleep"

"It's cool, Ash you really don't have to sleep on the floor, we can sleep in the bed."

"Even after I stole your clothes"


"It’s not a ploy for you to kill me is it?"


"Scoot over."

I happily moved over and felt Ash slide in behind me, he wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled against him.

"Good night Mist,"

"Night Ash"



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