Chapter 10

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“Ash! Get it away from me!” I shrieked.

“Come on, it’s just a little Caterpie!” Ash laughed as I kicked my feet out almost hitting him, “Come on Mist! I’ve had one before!”

“I don’t care get it away!” I screamed running behind a tree, I don’t know why I agreed to take this walk with Ash. Actually I do, even though I was angry at him for rejecting me like that, his puppy dog eyes just pull me in every time. I hate him, I swear.

Ash laughed again before rubbing the bug on its head and letting it crawl away.  I cringed, I liked to think I’ve gotten better with my fear of bug Pokémon, but I am nowhere near over it, and the further away the Caterpie is, the better for me.

“It’s harmless Misty.” Ash grabbed my hand and started dragging me further into the woods.

I grumbled, but intertwined our fingers. It was a nice feeling, I had to constantly remind myself that he didn’t want me, while keeping my mood up so that Ash wouldn’t think I was as furious with him as I really was.

He had given Pikachu an elaborate apology filled with food, food, and more food. Pikachu wasn’t even upset about being yelled at by Ash, but he milked it for all it was worth. After Pika was lying down from stomach pain from eating twice his weight in food, Ash grabbed my hand and drug me out the house.

I had complained and moaned the whole way here, and after walking for an hour Ash finally stopped us in the woods. I hated this idea, and I hoped he knew it. The woods were infested with bug Pokémon and if this was his way of apologizing to me, it so wasn’t working.

I tugged on his arm and halted my movements, “I am not taking one step further until you tell me where we’re going.” I hissed glaring at the back of Ash’s head. He turned around quicker than I expected and the look of annoyance was clear in his eyes.

“Walk and you’ll see.” He stated with a calm I was surprised to hear from him. He had really grown up since the last time I saw him, but unfortunately for him,  I was still my difficult self.


I heard him sigh, “Well up you go.” He started walking towards me and I gave him a quizzical look.

“What does that even mean? Oh my gosh! Ash! Put me down!”

Ash had picked me up and was carrying me bridal style. He had started sprinting through the woods and every time he would start I felt as if I was falling forward. I’ve never clutched onto someone so hard in my life.

“We’re here.” He smiled placing me down.

I frowned up at him and hit him in the chest, “You ass! I can’t believe yo-“

“Stop talking and turn around.”

I swung around fully intent on continuing my rant, but what I saw stopped me in my tracks. We were in the middle of a meadow; flowers were out in vibrant pinks, purples and yellows. There were a few Butterfree flying around and it just added to the beautifulness of the spot. The sun was shining brightly and the skies were clear.

I gasped slightly and turned back around to a pleased looking Ash. I shouldn’t take this at anything but face value, an elaborate apology for doing something that ‘wronged’ me, because that was all it was, but why did this feel so special? Why was my heart beating uncontrollably as I watched his grin turn into a pleased smile? Why did it hurt so much to know that he didn’t even think of this as romantic, but that’s all I can see it as?

Because you love him.

I stilled at the thought in my head. Did I love him? I really hope not, because my heart was breaking with just liking him, I wouldn’t be able to live if I fell for him. He was sweet, kind, and caring. Everything you could want in a significant other, but I couldn’t let myself hurt like that. I wouldn’t.

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