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The fluorescent lights in the concert hall flickered as the anticipation in the air intensified. The stage, bathed in a surreal glow, awaited the arrival of the enigmatic rock star. 'Yuvi'. The boisterous cheers of the crowd reached a pinnacle, chanting his name with an electrifying energy. Roshni scanned the crowd. She could see the excitement on their faces. She had always known that the Rockstar was famous. She was getting a fair idea of the reality now.

She wished she was back in her dorm, studying for her exams. Her finals were looming over her head. She was so close to becoming a doctor. She could not let the dream slip away from her hands. She had struggled so hard to get there, she was not taking a step back. She would become the first female doctor from her family and the Rockstar would help her achieve her dreams. The moron owed it to her.

As the first chords resonated from the guitar, a hush fell over the audience. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation, as he emerged from the shadows, bathed in the spotlight. Roshni almost sighed. He looked exactly like his posters, stunningly handsome. At six feet two, he towered over everyone in his band. His designer suit, meticulously tailored, accentuated every contour, showcasing his chiseled physique and six-pack abs. The subtle hint of a smile on his face added to the enigmatic allure.

Yuvaan Rajpoot gripped the microphone, his mesmerizing amber eyes gleaming with the promise of a mesmerizing performance. Roshni had to look away. Those golden orbs could bring any girl to her knees, but she was not any girl! She reminded herself. She was Roshni Chauhaan and the Moron Rockstar would have no say in her life. She would make sure of it.

A wave of enchantment swept through the crowd as he struck the first note. Yuvaan's melodious voice weaved a web of magic. Each word caressed the audience's souls, drawing them into a realm where only the music and the moment existed. The music pulsated through the veins of the crowd, leaving them spellbound in the enchantment Yuvaan had spun. Roshni closed her eyes frustrated. Why did he have to have the voice of an angel? Why did god have to hate her so much?

The final chords echoed and the hall erupted into a thunderous applause. The stage lights glistened off his sweat-soaked hair as he blew a kiss to his fans. A signature move that had become his calling card. The gesture was met with a thunderous applause from the adoring fans. Roshni stood up disgusted. The man was nothing but a snob, with an ego the size of a soccer field. She was glad she had found something to hate and refused to let it go.

A few girls hopped on stage to hug him. A few of them managed to get past the security and hurled themself in his arms. And he was a womanizer. Roshni made a quick note. That was a big strike against the moron.

The bodyguards surrounded Yuvaan, restricting access to the crowd. Yuvaan, used to the events, let the bodyguards take control. He was the rockstar; people always wanted a piece of him. But what the world did not know was that he was not a social person. He preferred his privacy, and he hated the attention that was bestowed on him so generously. He played for the crowd but protected his privacy fiercely. The bodyguards made way for him to walk away.

"One autograph, sir," a young girl pleaded. Yuvaan looked back. The girl appeared to be in her early teens. He wanted to walk out, but he couldn't. He remembered a time when he had been waiting in the same way for his idol's autograph. He never got it, and he couldn't bear the thought of letting another youngster go through the same disappointment.

He reached for the notepad. The dazzling smile on the girl's face said it all. She grabbed the autograph and ran back to her perch. Yuvaan made his way out. A couple of other girls tried to approach him but were held back by the security. Roshni followed him out silently.

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