-Chapter 8-

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The room was bathed in a soft, ambient glow from a desk lamp, casting shadows on the neatly arranged patient files

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The room was bathed in a soft, ambient glow from a desk lamp, casting shadows on the neatly arranged patient files. The sound of the second-hand clock ticking was the only thing that disturbed the silence in the room. Saakshi rubbed her tired eyes, adjusting her glasses as she took a sip from the steaming hot coffee. She was exhausted. She had hardly slept the night before. She needed a break from the madness that surrounded her. She wished she could go back home early, but she was stuck. A close friend had called in sick; she was forced to take up her shift. She reached for a patient file, hoping to control her restlessness. Her exhaustion was taking a toll on her; she was feeling restless for no reason.

The knock on the door startled her. She looked up as a man in his late 40s walked inside with a big smile on his face. The doctor's coat he was wearing did nothing to cover his well-built body. His biceps filled the coat perfectly, giving him an aura of power and grace. The ease with which he carried himself spoke of a confidence that came from years of experience.

His salt-and-pepper hair shined in the light of the lamp, making him look much younger than the 48 years he actually was. The wrinkles that lined his face, etched by years of laughter, added charm to his face. At 6 feet 2, he looked like a towering giant, but he was the most friendly giant she had ever met. The nurses called him Dr. Charming. The name suited him well. The smile never left his face. Dr. Harshad Chauhan was the only friend she ever made, the only man she could ever trust.

"Harsh," she smiled in greeting, "Tumhara shift khatam nehi hua (Done with your shift?)?"

"Are humare jaan yahe hai to hum kaise ghar jatey batao (When my heart is here, how can I go home?). I am a true gentleman Saakshi. I will not leave my woman behind." He sat down and reached for her coffee. She swatted his hand away. He was a big flirt. She did not understand how a man like that remained single. Rumor had it that he once had a lovely wife. He had lost both her and his unborn child in a road accident. He had been only 25 then. He never married again. Not that he was ever short of female company, but he just did not wish to be married again. She wished he did. A man like that deserved to be happy.

"Go get your own coffee, Harsh, and go home; you look dead on your feet."

"Ouch, you hurt my ego, darling. Do I look that bad?"

"Yes," Sakshi smiled unapologetically.

"You are being mean, Sakshi. Accept it; you cannot resist my charm."

Sakshi smiled. No one could resist his charm. That was the honest truth. He stole her coffee shamelessly and took a sip.

"Rockstar kaise hai (how is Rockstar)? I missed his concert. God, this job sucks man. I need to get a better job."

She ignored his drama and grabbed her coffee back before he could finish it. "Theek hai woh. You guys met for squash yesterday, hai na (He is doing good. I thought you guys met for squash yesterday)?"

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