-Chapter 15-

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Yuvaan knew from experience that Roshni would panic if he touched her in sleep

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Yuvaan knew from experience that Roshni would panic if he touched her in sleep. So he reached for the water glass and sprinkled water on her face, gently. She opened her eyes and looked around. The fear in her eyes, made him restless. It was the same fear he had once seen in his mothers eyes. What had the monsters done to the girl? His mom was at least an outsider, Roshni was one of them. Their daughter. How could they terrorize her to that extent.

"It's okay, Roshni" Yuvaan spoke softly. "You were having a nightmare. Nothing more. Please calm down."

Rohini closed her eyes. It did not feel like a nightmare. She could still feel the pain in her back as her father brought down the cane on her. She had almost forgotten the pain. The nightmare reminded her of it again. She was fifteen when Yuvan's father demanded that she should be sent home to her in laws. Her father readily agreed but she did not want to go. Every one Knew that Dhiren Rajpoot was a monster. His latest bride preferred to burn herself live rather the live with him. The only reason Dhiren wanted to take her home because he needed a slave to do the chores at the house and look after his aging mother, who was no better than him. The gram panchayat was offended by her act. Her family was shamed. In front of the panchayat, she refused to go to Dhiren's house when her husband was not there. The gram panchayat tried to force her to comply, she sent a letter to collector requesting his aid and and then ran away when no help came. She ran away to save herself the horror but she was too young to plan properly and was caught. They would have forced her to go back but the collector came with the local police to look into the matter.

Her mother pleaded with her not to shame them further by telling the truth. She knew the collector was his saving grace, so she put a condition before the panchayat. If they did not force her to go Dhiren's house she would not say anything to the officers. The panchayat was forced to comply. The officers took her statement and left, but they warned the panchayat that they would be keeping an eye on the Village. Her father was shamed by everyone in the panchayat. They accused him of not giving her a proper up brining. They could not  took take defeat so they humiliated her family. Her father took it out on her. He dragged her home and beat her so badly that she could not walk for weeks. She did not utter a word of complaint. The pain was worth everything because she had one. In the end she got what she wanted. Her freedom. Though it was a temporary respite the price was worth paying, but her young mind never forgot the pain or trauma. She could not understand why her own parents could not understand her pain. Why they wanted her to suffer!

"Roshni" Yuvaan shook her gently. "are you okay?"

Roshni nodded her head. Her hands still trembled but she was over it. She reached for the glass of water. Her throat felt dry. Yuvaan had to help her with the water. Her hands were shaking too much for her to hold on to.

"Do you want to talk?" Yuvaan coaxed again. She shook her head once again. It was not something she liked talking about. She was ashamed of all those things that her parents did to her, that she let herself suffer. She should have rebelled. She should have stepped back but she just could not. still still loved her parents and that was more humiliating for her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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