-Chapter 12-

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The court session was scheduled for 11 in the morning. Though their lawyer had assured them that they would get the annulment, Roshni was apprehensive. She knew Sakshi was upset with her. Though she had not said to her anything after she back from the hospital, she had shut herself off completely. She only spoke to Yuvaan and made it more than clear that she was not welcome in her home. Roshni respected her emotions. If she had a son, she would fight tooth and nail to protect his right to choose his bride. Sakshi was doing the same. 

She prayed that the judge would grant the annulment. The lawyer approached them, it was time for them to go it.

"You remember what to say, right?" Sushil Malhotra looked at Roshni and waited for her to acknowledge. Roshni nodded her head.

"Just tell him the truth, Roshni. Be confident. He may ask if you want your own council...."

"I will tell him that I do not want this marriage uncle. That is the truth."

Sushil nodded his head. He had been with the Rajpoot's for a very long time. He wanted Yuvaan to be happy as much as Sakshi did. 

"Let's go in."

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