-Chapter 11-

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The doctor took one look at the leg and sent Roshni for scans

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The doctor took one look at the leg and sent Roshni for scans. Harshad diagnosis proved correct. Roshni had a ligament rupture. The doctor suggested rest. By the time they were back it was late noon. Neither of them had slept the night before. They needed the sleep. 

Yuvaan took her to her room. She was too exhausted to protest. 

"Rest Roshni." Yuvaan spoke gently, "You look exhausted."

"So do you."  Roshni thought but did not voice her opinion. She was worried about Saakshi.

"I need to talk to Kaaki, Yuvaan. She was very upset. I need to apologize."

"You have already apologized, Roshni. Let me talk to her. She will come and talk to you, Roshni. Mom does not hold grudges, what she said to you.... I guess it was the shock talking."

Roshni did not say anything. She was honestly worried. Yuvaan handed her a glass of water with the pills that the doctor had prescribed.

"I will get you something to eat"

Roshni shook her head. She did not feel like eating. Yuvaan left the room silently. Roshni let the tears falls. She was not prepared for the turn of events. All she wanted was to be free, she did not think that her quest for freedom would drag Yuvaan into trouble. She did not know how long she was crying, but soon she was too exhausted to fight the exhaustion. Her eyes dropped. She drifted off to sleep with her head resting on the bedrest.

When Yuvaan came back with the food day, he found her in deep sleep. He set the tray on the beside table with a sigh and dimmed the lights. He turned to go but then he realized she was sleeping in an awkward position. He helped her lay down properly. The soft glow of the lamp casted shadows on her beautiful face. She looked more younger than her 23 years. Yuvaan felt sad for her. A girl her age should be chasing dreams not nightmares. He felt guilty that he had unknowingly become a part of her nightmare. He could not sleep in peace till he freed her from the unwanted bond. That was the least he could do after what his father had done. He could let Dhiren Rajpoot win.

Sakshi waited for Yuvaan to come to her

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Sakshi waited for Yuvaan to come to her. She had seen the car come inside. Her son rushed to greet her every time he came come. Resentment flared inside her. The more she wanted to calm herself down, the more upset she became. Roshni was threat. She wanted to get rid of her as soon as possible. She was no longer upset with Roshni for what she did. She had been furious when she asked her to leave. She understood that she was not matured enough to deal with the situation. 

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