-Chapter 9-

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Saakshi was walking to her cabin when a nurse came running to her immediately

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Saakshi was walking to her cabin when a nurse came running to her immediately. 

"Any emergency, Sheela?" Saakshi tensed. 

The nurse shook her head, "Ma'am, have you seen the news?" 

"What news?"The nurse fidgeted with her fingers. The rockstar's wedding was being covered by every channel. It had come as a shock for everyone. They all knew Yuvaan very well. He was not the type to elope and tie the knot, but the wedding footage could not be denied. 

"Kya hua, Sheela? Kuch bolo (What happened, Sheela, speak)"The nurse looked at her worried, 

"You should have a look at it, ma'am. It is better that way."Saakshi walked into her cabin. The hospital provided her a well-equipped room. She was the head of cardiology. The management made sure she had access to the best cabin in the hospital. Everything was state-of-the-art and elegant, befitting her role and position.Saakshi picked up the TV remote and turned it on. It was tuned in to a national news channel. The newsreader was talking about a big sensational wedding. It took Saakshi a moment to register that the newsreader was talking about her own child's sensational wedding. The footage of the wedding popped up on the screen as the newsreader's voice filled the room. 

"Rockstar Yuvraj tied the knot in secret. You can see glimpses of the wedding. We are just getting information that the wedding was solemnized in the presence of the bride's family. The rockstar's mother is noticeably missing from the wedding. As we all know, Rockstar Yuvraj is Dr. Saakshi Rajpoot's only child. Dr. Saakshi missing from the wedding celebrations is raising many questions. Was Dr. Rajpoot against the wedding? Did the Rockstar marry against his mother's wishes? Stay tuned for updates." 

Roshni's face splashed on the screen. The reporter continued to give details about Roshni, but the words faded away. Saakshi could not hear anything. All she could see was Yuvaan's unhappy face. Her head reeled. Fate could not be so cruel to her; she had fought the world to offer her child a safe home and still failed to protect him. Tears clouded her vision. When a gentle pair of hands reached for her and made her sit down, she did not even protest. She felt shattered.Harsh offered her a glass of water. He had just seen the news. He could understand Saakshi's pain. 

"Did you talk to him?"Saakshi looked at him blankly. 

"He will never do anything like this without a reason, Saakshi. Did you call him?" 

Saakshi shook her head. Harshad made the call immediately, but the call did not go through. He tried the landline number, but it was unreachable. He called Aaktar. When he did not receive any response from him, he tensed further. 

"Was he at home when you left?"Saakshi nodded her head. 

"We should go there. Chalo (come)," he held her hand gently and pulled her up. He knew something was not right. Yuvraj was in trouble. There was no other answer to it. They needed to go to him immediately.

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