The Name You Should Know

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Hoo hoo, boy! I'm excited for this one! The first proper crossover chapter! I hope you all like the introductions, and perhaps leave a review of what you think! Enjoy!

Shattering the Stars
Chapter 4: The Name You Should Know

Link stepped out of the portal, surprised to be met with a cool, brisk breeze. His breath was temporarily taken from him, the scenery of his new surroundings far too beautiful to simply appreciate without reaction.

"Wow..." Link muttered to himself.

The sound of fairy wings accompanied him, the purple hue of Tael illuminating the dark shadow of the tree they emerged from. Leaves rustled in the wind as the fairy mirrored Link's reaction to entering a new world.

Suddenly, the sound of the doorway behind Link closing flared his nerves. The portal he opened had swelled shut, leaving nothing behind. Tael flew back a bit, afraid, as the hero in green looked at his other hand, staring at the photo of his wife. He sighed. The picture of Romani, posing elegantly next to the chair in the house, it was the only thing Link would have to keep him sane, along with his fairy companion.

"Well, let's not waste time," Link told Tael. He waited for the fairy to join him, and once he did, they set off, marching through the fields and eventually coming upon a dirt road. Earthy and unpaved, the path seemed especially created to lead somewhere.

Link and Tael glanced at each other and then shrugged, guessing that it'd be better to follow the dirt road instead of just wandering around the land. The hero's boots clumped with determination along the light-brown path, crickets, beetles, and other insects scurrying away to keep clear. Flowers, bushes, and the occasional tree bordered the lane, scents of spring allowing for the man in green and his companion to relax as they walked.

Something was amidst, however. Link, only just a few minutes after his arrival, picked up on a familiar feeling. He could sense eyes upon him. He stopped in his tracks and looked around, his ears on alert.

"What's up, Link?" Tael asked, knowing that if his friend was alert, something was wrong.

"I... don't know, Tael," Link replied, still combing the scenery with his ever-curious eyes. This was unlike how he felt as a twelve-year-old, when the Garo were spying on him. Back then, he could tell the preying gazes were hostile in nature, but now, it wasn't so. Whoever, or whatever, was watching him, didn't have any malevolent intent.

At least... not now.

"Let's just... keep going. There has to be a town or something coming up the trail." Link urged himself to brush off the feeling, and quickly walked off with Tael, keeping the sword he used to travel to this realm out of sight.

From the distance, a figure clad in shadow observed the subject of his stare contemplate his presence. So this fellow was more aware than he looked, interesting. Whoever this man was, either he was not to be contended with, or he was in need of assistance. Out of safety, the onlooker chose the former, not wishing to disclose himself to this person just yet.

One thing of note, however, is that he was human. The knight who was spying on the hero in green only knew one other human, and even then, they were much younger than this fellow appeared to be. With a surmising sigh, the warrior left, right as Link continued on down the path of the dirt road.

The knight, positively certain he was alone, reached into his cloak to a back pocket, finding a slip of paper. Using a pencil he grabbed from his opposite pocket, he scribbled something down and then stuffed it back into the cape and then hunched back. His cape quickly concentrated into a pair of wings, which he used to take off into the sky, towards the house of a trusted ally.


There was a knock at the door. Then another, and then one more. The boy in bed slowly sat up and yawned, quite drowsy even though it was past noon. He had a habit for sleeping in and such.

At first the boy thought the knocking was just in his head, but when a sudden gust of wind outside shook his entire abode, he had a feeling he knew who had visited him. Climbing out of bed, he groggily walked to the door of his hut and fumbled with the knob. His short, stubby paw wasn't the best when he was still sleepy. After a second, he managed to figure out the door.

Peering outside, the boy swapped his eyes from one side to the other. Nothing, nobody. Well, that'd be odd if his visitor was the person he suspected, but then again, he could've left a note. Sure enough, there was a small piece of peeking just from underneath the 'Welcome' mat, stuck there to ensure it wouldn't blow away in the wind.

The boy grabbed the note and looked at it.

"Come to the castle. You are required at once. Signed, Meta Knight," it read. The signature was easily recognizable. Kirby, the puffy pink Star Warrior, and the star of the show, quickly woke himself up at the sight of his mentor's name, knowing the matter was urgent.

"Poyo!" Kirby said, waking up the person who had been asleep next to him.

"Hm? Wha-What is it, Kirby?" A fairy said, her pink hair ruffled, and her pajamas wrinkled from tossing and turning. She rubbed her eyes, and her vision finally grew less blurry.

"Rib! Poy-poyo!" Kirby said, catching Ribbon up to speed. He waved the note from Meta Knight in the air.

"O-Oh, well, alright. You go on out there, I just need a bit to fully wake up," Ribbon chuckled lightly, stifling a yawn. Kirby wasn't content on leaving it at that, so he dashed over to his friend and gave her a kiss on the cheek before leaving.

"Oh you... Go on, perhaps there will be a snack waiting for you when you come back," Ribbon said affectionately, blushing and holding her cheek.

Kirby, with one last, big smile, left the house. Waiting out front for just a second, his trusty mode of transportation, the Warp Star, shot across the sky and towards the lawn. It touched down only a few feet from Kirby, and he hopped on and took off, soaring away and to the castle. He had an odd feeling that this visit might be interesting, at least a little.

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