We Shatter

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Ooooo boy! This is another BIG chapter! I don't wanna keep you guys for long, so please, enjoy! :D

Shattering the Stars
Chapter 11: We Shatter

Jim and his horse, Ivory, went down the sandy path towards the mouth of Great Bay in no hurry. The Bomber could taste the salt in the air as his trusty steed trotted along, weaving his way through the poorly placed fences and other obstacles. Even if he normally admired the view of the sea, now, there were different things on Jim's mind.

Romani sat quietly on the tiled porch of the beach house, staring out at the ocean blankly. Her arms were crossed, and she could feel the breeze of the bay flow through her hair, yet she didn't bask in it. In fact, she didn't even acknowledge the scene before her, her eyes too focused on the picture in her head. The image of her husband, wherever he might be, doing who knows what. She couldn't stop thinking about it, not for a second.

"Romani!" Jim called out as soon as he spotted her. She didn't hear him, too absorbed in her own paranoid thoughts. He called to her again, then again, the third attempt finally being successful.

"Oh, hello, Jim!" Romani stood up slowly, one hand on her back, the other rubbing her stomach. The baby wasn't too happy with its mother's mood lately, kicking and squirming around. "H-How are you?" She managed to say while waving.

Jim looked at Romani with concern as Ivory slowed down to a stop. He dismounted from his horse and put his hands on his hips, his red bandana flapping in the wind. "I think a better question is how are you, Romani? You better not have been sitting out here again."

"Romani hasn't been out here for that long, don't be silly! She's just... Uh..." Romani lost her words, barely able to keep up the facade of being fine. Her sentence didn't even finish, and instead she just looked down and played with her wedding band, hoping Jim wouldn't inquire more.

Jim sighed, shaking his head. Romani had been almost a different person in the week Link had been gone. Her voice was less spunky, her attitude was dreary, and she hadn't been eating right. To top it all off, every single day, when Jim came to visit to check up on her, he found her just sitting on the porch, staring out at the sea, doing nothing. He didn't know how long she was at it, but he presumed it was hours. Statue-like is what he described her as to Anju, Kafei, and Cremia.

"Romani, please, be honest with me," Jim asked sincerely, worried for his friend. Romani was one of Jim's only friends he had to talk to, to tell the truth. Link was off on his quest, the other Bombers were busy living their lives, and Skull Kid... Jim tried not to think about. All he had was his girlfriend Pamela and Romani.

"Romani is being honest, now stop asking questions!" Romani balled up her fists and kept them to her sides, trying to get Jim to stop worrying. Even as an adult, she hated being the subject of worry. She had proven long ago that she can take care of herself, so she thought this was no different.

"Hey, I'm not trying to make you upset, Romani! I'm just... You know..." Jim could tell that Romani herself was worried about Link, as he was. It was the subject of a lot of his thoughts. He hoped and prayed that Link was alright, since this journey across the realms wasn't quite the same as the pair of adventures Link had in both Hyrule and Termina.

Silence fell on the two friends as looked at each other, great concern coating Jim's face as he gazed at Romani. He stepped closer, opening his arms up for a hug, which Romani quickly accepted. Link had always instilled the best in them, but now with him absent, they felt almost empty. They were used to Link being there, making up the inseparable trio that had faced down the Garo Master and Twinrova all those years ago.

"Just because you miss him," Jim said, fighting his instincts not to cry, "Doesn't mean you're not the only one." Jim parted from Romani and smiled weakly. There, the ranch woman could see the bags under his eyes. "I've been losing sleep over this, trust me, and so has Anju and Kafei. We're all worried about him."

"Romani... Romani knows..."

"You aren't alone, Romani, and you know that," Jim walked up to his horse and patted her on the side. "Come on, Anju wants you to stay a few nights at the inn, just so you'll be okay. Alright?"

"Jim, I..." Romani muttered, looking back to the ocean. For a minute or two she just stared out at the sea, uncertain about what she should do. A small frown grew along her face, and she huffed, turning away and joining Jim. "Fine, Romani needs to get away from this view anyways..."

Jim smiled and helped Romani get onto Ivory safely. Even while pregnant, she still knew how to ride a horse, but to be sure that nothing happened, Jim was going to handle his steed. With a gentle kick of his boots, Ivory took off, leaving Great Bay and soon entering Termina Field, Clock Town in her sights. But the entire ride to town, all Romani could think about was her Grasshopper.

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