Plumbing's Their Game

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Bam! Chapter 9! Technically chapter 10 if you count the prologue, but that's not important. This one is where a few more key characters are introduced, so enjoy!

Shattering the Stars
Chapter 9: Plumbing's Their Game

A small, brown, chestnut shaped creature scampered around the ground, walking forward absentmindedly. He didn't really know why he was out in the field, knowing that his king didn't really have any schemes planned. Beside him was an orange flower, also enjoying the afternoon.

Suddenly, the creature felt an immense pressure on his head. A boot had stomped down and then quickly bounced back up into the air. He was rendered unconscious, imaginary stars circling his head as another pair of boots came by, jumping in between him in order to avoid causing any more harm.

"Come on, Weege! We're losing daylight!" An accented voice said, followed by a resounding 'Wahoo!' as the person behind the voice jumped through the air graciously.

"Bro! You know we have plenty of time!" The one behind the first shouted, scuttling through the air and landing on a brick platform, skidding to a stop due to the poor traction of his boots. He was always weary of where he jumped, preferring to not fall down any pits.

The brothers engaged in a friendly race against each other, trying to see who'd reach town first. They were always excited to receive a letter from their friend, although strangely it lacked the offer of cake this time around. It didn't matter. They sped through the thin forest, expertly weaving their way past the trees and enemies hidden in their branches. The pair smiled at the frail attempts to catch them as the sun began to set, orange rays peeking through the leaves.

More and more cobbled bricks lay floating in their path, signaling their arrival to the kingdom they so adored. Signs of civilization beckoned them towards the stairway that led right to the flagpole, victory in hand. The red-capped hero took the first jump, clinging onto the tip of the pole firmly, waiting for his brother. The green one appeared right on time, almost overshooting his jump. He reached out and grabbed the flag, almost tearing the tender fabric, but he made it. Together, they slid down the pole and beamed as they celebrated. They had made it.

"See, we didn't need to rush, bro!" The green fellow said as he moseyed his way towards the junction point. The quaint, humble castle greeted them modestly, allowing them entrance into town.

"Hey, we've never been late yet, so let's not break that streak, alright Luigi?" The crimson-colored plumber replied, hands on his hips as he tipped his cap for the officer behind the junction desk.

"Pleasure seein' ya', Mister Mario!" The officer said, smiling broadly. He waved the brothers off, letting them bask in the sunlight that blanketed Toad Town.

Mario, Super Mario to be exact, smiled as he admired the view. His brother, the cowardly, yet caring Luigi, stood beside him, forming the perfect duo. So rarely had they been seen apart, the only time they could recall being when that dastardly ghost concocted a ruse to lure them into his twisted funhouse. But the taller of the two, Luigi, stepped up to the challenge and saved his brother, earning some much-needed respect throughout the town.

"Man..." Luigi sighed, "I never get tired of this view."

"Agreed, Weege, but we can't stare for long. The princess called us here for a reason," Mario stepped forward, leading the way to the heart of Toad Town. At its opposite end was the castle, the splendid home of the princess the plumber spoke of.

"Yeah, why'd she write to us, anyway? She didn't even bake us a cake," Luigi was too used to Peach's offers of sweet, baked confections, so to have a letter without such a tantalizing bid only perplexed him.

"Something about some strangers, hang on," Mario dug around in his overall pocket. "Lemme see what she wrote exactly." Grabbing the folded letter, Mario pulled it from his denim garments and read it silently. "Ah, here it is," Mario cleared his throat, his tone changing to a higher pitch to act as the princess's voice, "'The guards apprehended three strange travelers, who claimed to be on a mission of sorts. What they speak of concerns me, as it's not of the usual problems.'"

"So it's not Bowser?" Luigi asked.

"Doesn't sound like it. Besides, you know him, he's not the one for hired help," Mario folded the letter back and stored it away in his pocket. Breaking out into a jog, he and Luigi ventured through Toad Town and reached the castle gate in no time. Guarding the grand door, two Toads, blue and yellow, stood silently.

"Hey! Bucken-Berry! Ala-Gold! Been a while!" Luigi greeted the two Toads warmly; the brothers having not seen their old friends for some time. These two Toads in particular were special, having been promoted to royal guards after joining Mario and Luigi on an adventure to save the princess some years ago.

The pair of Toads fought not to greet the brothers as friends, their oath to service stating that they mustn't speak casually until after their shifts. The yellow, Ala-Gold, only nodded in response to Luigi, tilting his head to his companion.

"Letter?" Bucken-Berry asked, his voice filled with resolve. Mario gladly gave the letter to the Toad so he could inspect it. They always needed to make sure the handwriting matched. Not long before had enemies arrived with forged letters, all to gain admittance to the castle in order to snatch the princess away for their king.

"Alright, fellas, go on in," Bucken-Berry said, tapping his spear on the ground twice. On command, the door behind him opened for the brothers, and he and Ala-Gold stepped aside to let them continue. As the red and green duo walked past them, the yellow Toad slipped Luigi a letter.

"Hm?" Luigi felt the object being placed into his pocket. He opened it and smirked as he read it to himself, being sure to tell Mario of Ala-Gold's plan to meet up later for a hang-out.

The Mario Brothers casually walked down the castle halls, smiles lining the bottoms of their moustaches as they neared the throne room. Peach was surely to be there, ready to discuss who exactly had come all this way with talk of 'missions' and the sort. Mario eyed his sibling confidently, who easily returned the glance. As they approached the door separating them from the royal throne, their smiles intensified. The hero clad in red put both hands on the doors and pushed them open.

"Ah, there you are," Peach greeted them sweetly, the trio standing before her throne turning to face the brothers. "Boys, these are the Mario Brothers I spoke of. They'll be here to help you."

Mario and Luigi tensed up, not recognizing the strangers who stared at them. There was a tall, blonde swordsman dressed in a striking green, a stout, pink thing by his feet, and a speck of purple light hovering by the warrior's shoulder. Were these the travelers Peach had written about? Weren't they apprehended?

"So this is 'Mario'? No offense, but I pictured him being taller," Link commented.

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