Heaven's Pyre Knows Their Names

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I think a certain friend of mine will be overjoyed to read this chapter. Here at the start, we see another Hero from the many worlds of Dragon Quest, however, this one's ending differs a bit from the game he originates from. Oh, and for Wattpad users, you guys have a little something special! Enjoy!

Shattering the Stars
Chapter 17: Heaven's Pyre Knows Their Names

Deep on the edge of a small, unimportant forest, tucked between an unnamed village and a prestigious castle, was a cabin. It stood quietly, innocently, almost, a flock of birds gathered on the roof being undisturbed by the home or the nature neighboring it. Suddenly, the sound of a chop and then wood splinter in the distance setting a flock of birds into the sky. Cracking resonated before the upper leaves of a tree making up the strong, green canopy fell. Once the dust settled, a pair of boots walked up to the fallen trunk, the person they belonged to bending over to inspect his handiwork.

The onlooker sighed, placing the head of his axe hitting the ground, the handle pointed skyward, before leaning on it. He waved his hands around, channeling magic, and then cast a spell on the chopped tree, sending it flying into the air and towards the cabin that rested just beyond the forest. It slowed down as it soared, landing gently outside of the cabin, just a couple footsteps away from the door.

"First of many," The man mumbled to himself, holding his axe properly and looking around, inspecting the trees. His grandfather, randomly out of the blue, sent him a letter asking for him to gather up some trees to help him get a head start on woodcutting for the month.

It felt odd, being sent a letter at such a random time, but the man only guessed that his grandfather, in his old age, was simply in need of some assistance if he was to keep up with the demands of his customers. It didn't really matter anyways, as it was a good excuse for him to get some fresh air. For a while he had resided at home, alone. While the solitude was self-imposed, it was pleasant to be called upon for something.

Over the course of an hour, three more trees were felled, each one being sent into the sky and to the cabin. There, an older fellow, the grandfather of the man tasked to the wood, came out and used his tools to chop up the trunks into chunks, bringing them inside so he could manage them easier.

However, before the man could start work on another tree, he felt a peculiar presence make itself known to him. It had been a while since he had felt as if he were being watched, and the hairs on his neck stood on end, alerting him. Letting the axe fall to the ground, he reached behind his back and unsheathed his sword, gripping the hilt tightly and turning out. In front of him was just a barren field, nothing of note.

The wind had picked up, flowing across the valley, and making the man's seafoam green hair get in his face. He brushed it aside and walked slowly out of the forest, his eyes darting in every direction possible until they looked up into the sky. What he saw made his legs turn to jelly.

Above him was someone he recognized, how with another companion by her side. Empyrea, that legendary Godbird that asked him, along with a few other fellows, to help another hero in need. At the time, he thought it was merely coincidental, but now that he was seeing her again a few years after, he felt as if his very soul had been lifted up and dusted off, given a serene smile by a loved one.

Empyrea swooped down and landed in the field, prompting the hero to approach. She let her wing touch the ground, and from behind her back, two men hopped off, their feet settling onto the grass with an air of confidence.

"I hope you've been doing well, Solo," Empyrea said as Eight and Erdrick got their bearings, looking around before resting their eyes on their old friend. Even in the little time they spent together, they still remembered that distinct hair and determined face.

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