That's Life

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Hehe, I had to let this one cook a bit longer than usual, but expect that kind of gap between chapters, I guess. I hope you all like this one. Enjoy!

Shattering the Stars
Chapter 6: That's Life

Meta Knight walked through the castle silently, but not admiring the stars visible in the windows he passed. While normally it was a common habit he found himself enjoying, tonight, he couldn't focus. The dim candles flickered as he walked by, the dark shadows of night flooding the corridor.

The knight was hiding something, his thoughts dwelling on that deplorable man Link told him about. It was odd for Meta Knight to fixate on a threat that wasn't even apparent, but the way Link described him was so vivid, so fueled by hatred with a tinge of fear, that it infected his own views. Shatterhand was nothing like he had ever heard of before, a clear image painted for him just by the words.

A killer. A ruthless killer, with a desire to find and ensure Link would be dead where he stood. Despite all of the other questions Meta Knight had, most of which Link couldn't answer, one stood above the rest. Why? Why was Shatterhand doing this? What did he have to gain, and if he had access to a weapon like the Ultra Sword, what else did he have? What if some cosmic fluke allowed for this man to have the keys to the other realms, like Magolor?

Meta Knight walked outside and stood on one of the castle's many balconies, the moon overlooking him. There, the lunar light carved out his shadow as he stared at nothing, the dotted stars twinkling faintly. Standing motionless, the lone swordsman was devising a plan, a plan to aid Link and Kirby as best he could on their impending mission to track down and stop Shatterhand.

Unsheathing his sword, Galaxia, and raising it high into the air, pointed at the night sky, Meta Knight thought of one close friend. One he had lost many, many moons ago. She often still crossed his mind when he was alone. Lady Garlude.

"Allow me to ask for guidance, old friend," Meta Knight asked the vacant air. Despite receiving no response, he sighed before continuing. It was as scarce as hen's teeth for the knight to even permit himself to become vulnerable, yet he did it this once. "Help me... Help me see that this man, this Shatterhand, be brought to justice by the one who journeyed here, and anyone else who may enroll themselves to the task."

The wind picked up just slightly, the trees below the balcony rustling with life. Meta Knight kept his gaze on the night, his grip on Galaxia growing worn. A strong resonance was felt within the sword, a solemn message becoming clear. An idea sparked in the knight's head, and he quickly put his weapon away, kneeling before the unseen presence of his lost friend.

Meta Knight was silent for a while, keeping his head down, listening. She gave him an idea, a splendid one. A part of him wanted to thank her for her assistance, but another wanted to collapse, the essence of grief he always locked away coming to the surface. After a long time, he collected himself and nudged his head forward to speak.

"I miss you," he said.

Finally, Meta Knight pitched his feet upright and left his kneel. He took a deep breath, and then sighed, his eyes spent. They were cursed with dreariness, longing for some sleep. Retiring to his own quarters, he drifted off to a dreamless sleep, as he so often did.


Link, unlike the day before, woke up bright and early, just minutes after dawn. He left Tael to sleep more as he finally reunited with his gear, the Gilded Sword and Mirror Shield looking spotless and pristine. The plucky little Waddle Dees must've gone to the trouble of cleaning them, in which they did an excellent job.

Walking down the halls and signaling the guard manning the drawbridge, Link finally got a whiff of lovely, fresh air after a day cooped up in the castle. Taking a step outside and ignoring the sound of the bridge raising back up to a close, he followed the dirt trail for a little while, appreciating the sights of this strange world. His first day in Dream Land hadn't been the most pleasant, so he deemed it right to take time away from all the madness of his mission.

The town that stood witness to Link and Meta Knight's short confrontation the other day had been parched of fact. Rumors, chatter, and gossip filled the air on who exactly that man was, why he was here, and why he fought the defending trio of knights. One notion in particular went along the lines of Link being some rogue Star Warrior.

Kirby, jolly as can be, was making his rounds at Cappy Town. Visiting friends, checking up on the older folk, the usual. By his side was a very close friend, the fairy named Ribbon. She'd been briefed on the whole situation with Link and was rightly interested in his mission and why Kirby would need to join him.

"Just one muffin, please," Ribbon asked the bakery clerk, contrasting heavily with Kirby's large order of a full dozen.

"Sure thing," The Cappy clerk smiled broadly as he handed Ribbon her muffin and printed out the receipt. He tore it from the register and looked at it before giving it to Kirby. "That'll be twenty-eight Dee Bells, please."

"With pleasure, sir," Ribbon said cheerfully, reaching into her pocket and paying up front.

Then, the front door opened with a ring of a bell. All customers turned to see that man, the one in green, trying to escape the prattling voices of people outside following him. The bell rang again from the entrance, a few folks trying to pursue the one named Link, the man running off into the store to hide.

"Hey Kirby, isn't that-" Ribbon leaned over to her friend and whispered. She took her eyes off the man in the tunic just to see that Kirby was gone. "Kirby? Where'd you go?"

Kirby had run off to assist Link with the persistent pests chasing him. He darted and weaved through the small crowd before puffing up and flying through the air to get a better advantage. He finally spotted Link, protecting himself with his shield as he did his best to ignore the constant questions. The pink hero was almost taken aback by the look on Link's face. Dread and dismay, his eyes squinted and trying not to pay attention to everyone bothering him.

"Poy-poyo!" Kirby diving to the floor and quickly inhaling a frying pan. Link got a quick glimpse of the pink one donning the Cook Ability, his eyes growing wide as he stared with disbelief.

Everyone following Link gasped with shock as Kirby openly threatened them, the pink puffball clanging the pots together as if to signal he was ready to summon the magic cauldron. While they knew he'd never actually do it, just the act of defending the stranger made them all go silent, slowly backing off and gradually exiting the bakery.

"Thanks, Kirby..." Link mumbled, putting his shield away and standing back up. So that was a Copy Ability?

"Poyo!" Kirby said, although Link still couldn't decipher the meaning yet. The power to know would come with time, but not now. The sound of fairy wings caught the Terminian's ears, and he saw Ribbon land just next to the pink fellow.

"Don't just run off like that, Kirby! You know I get worried easily," Ribbon scolded, her hands on her hips. A heavy pang surged through Link's heart, the fairy's tone all too similar to his wife when she was cross. She pointed to the pan, "Come on, get rid of that, you know your manners!"

Kirby complied, squatting down and discharging the Copy Ability, the Ability Star bouncing away and landing on the tiled floor with a clunk. Ribbon extended her hand to reach for Kirby's, but she just finally noticed the man her friend was defending. The one in green.

"Oh goodness! You must be Link! I've heard a lot about you!" Ribbon flew up to Link and smiled warmly, a strong sense of goodwill exerting from her presence. She put her hand out for the hero to shake, his own grip hesitant, but it quickly became the opposite. He felt at ease with Ribbon and Kirby, a welcome change.

"Thank you, miss," Link said after finishing his handshake with the fairy. A brief veil of awkward silence descended on the three before Kirby trotted back to the front counter, hungry for his muffins.

"Would you like to join Kirby and I while we mosey around town? We'll make sure no one else bothers you, Link," Ribbon's offer was enticing, too much for the weary traveler. He swiftly nodded, eager to molt out of the uncomfortable skin of confusion he found himself trapped in. He joined the pair as they collected their food and departed, trying to keep his head down to avoid any attention, but to no avail.

Muffled chatter and distant questions filled the air as Kirby, Ribbon, and Link walked through Cappy Town. It instilled a jittery atmosphere for the foreigner, trying not to let his hearing be used against him. The predicament reminded him of when he was much younger, much more self-conscious of his status as a hero. He used to hear people whispering as he held Anju's hand while accompanying her on errands. Over time, he learned to drown it out, his surrogate family assured him that there was no shame in being different. He couldn't find it in himself to try this time, however.

Ribbon already took note of Link's closed-off demeanor. She nudged Kirby with her shoulder and gestured worriedly to the man behind them. The pair started to make faces, speaking wordlessly to each other on what to do, all while Link paid them no mind.

"Hey Link, would you like to take a visit to Kirby's house?" Ribbon asked after finishing her unheard talk with Kirby. Link just tilted his head in confusion. She elaborated, "Well, it's a lot better than town... at-at least we think so. And it'd be nice to let you get to know Kirby better, right?"

"Poyo!" Kirby added, hopping up and twirling, still holding his box of muffins dearly.

"Uhm... Yeah, sure, why not," Link said, thinking any place would be better than public. Such anxiety hadn't plagued him in what felt like eons, so he was willing to take any opportunity to bail.

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