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Okay, yes, I know, Sketchy's power is a bit convenient, but hey, it's literally something he can do in the story he mainly appears in, I swear! I know it's a lot to introduce, but it works for both this and the person who owns Sketchy! Anyways, sorry for rambling. Enjoy!

Shattering the Stars
Chapter 21: Eulogy

Hours before, while Amy, Crystal, and Mario were out, Link, Luigi, and Tael were making trips to and from Violet's apartment and Freddy's, bringing back their belongings in preparation for their departure.

"Man, you made holding this thing seem..." Luigi grunted, struggling to lift the Ultra Sword through the door, "Easy!" He slammed it down on the floor, exhausted.

"It's weirdly balanced, that's for sure," Link picked up the sword by the hilt and held it steady, "It takes a certain amount of precision to hold it up. This thing belongs to Kirby, after all, so that's probably why it's so bizarre."

"Oh yeah," Luigi remembered what Shatterhand said during their battle in the Mushroom Kingdom. For some reason, he said that the sword was his, and Link explained that it was once Kirby's. Then the plumber felt a little inferior, thinking that his abilities were lame compared to the pink puffball.

"Didn't Mario say he wasn't going to be long?" Tael flew up to Luigi.

"Yeah, that's what I heard. I don't know why he's not back yet," Luigi looked at the clock. Thankfully, clocks in this world weren't much different from what he knew. It'd been over an hour since his brother left and there was still no word.

"Weird..." Tael trailed off.

Link set the Ultra Sword up against the wall and sighed. To tell the truth, he was growing fond of the place he and his fellow travelers ventured to almost by accident. It was oddly comfortable here, even in the apartment, though he could also say the same for the room he stayed in at Castle Dedede or the room he was given at the Inn back in the Mushroom Kingdom. However, it could never beat home.

"We'll get the rest of the stuff, don't worry, Link," Luigi knew there wasn't much more to collect from Freddy's apartment, so he and Tael went off by themselves to fetch it. With Kirby still asleep, Link was left alone, but he didn't mind.

"I wonder if there are any more of those 'Shwaffles'..." Link thought to himself, first walking to the kitchen. When he found nothing, he decided to look around in the rooms, thinking that perhaps Mario and Luigi kept some for themselves. If they did, surely they wouldn't mind if Link helped himself to a few?

In the room where the brothers had been given, Link noticed it was almost exactly the same as his. Plain bed, although this time there were two, one large window, closet, small desk, everything. He admired the uniformity to an extent, but also thought that such similar rooms was boring. It didn't matter, they wouldn't be staying for much longer.

After a couple minutes of searching around the room, Link came up empty handed, unfortunately. His stomach growled, and as he looked out the window, he inwardly made himself a deal to ask if there was more to eat when he got the chance.

Then Link heard the door to the room close.

Whipping around, Link's instincts told him an enemy had cornered him, but instead he saw Violet standing before him, her cheeks flushed with a red tint and wearing something he had never seen before. Oddly, the urge to blush overtook his previous needs of alarm, and he stumbled back, confused. Violet wouldn't even look him in the eye.

"H-Hi, Link..." Violet mumbled, hands clasped in front of her like she had been ordered to do something and she had taken the request with obedience.

"Wha- What are you doing?!" Link was beyond the capacity for words, unsure what to make of Violet's strange attire and meek-sounding voice.

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