Chapter 30: Happiness Time

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Hey guys, been a while huh? Well here it goes. I can't believe I actually made it to 30 freaking chapters!!!!! Welp, on with the story.


Normal POV

     They were all suprised at her voice. She was amazing. She had the best voice ever. The Akatsuki smiled, something they never thought they could do anymore. She was smiling as well. "Well, how about some lunch? I'm sure everyone is hungry from all those stories." They all nodded. "How bout we go out to eat. You've already done so much for us." Sakura looked at Zetsu as he spoke. She smiled and nodded 'ok'. They walked to the car only to see...

Cliffhanger, later guys!!!!

JK, hahaha...

Itachi raised an eyebrow at his little brother. "What are you here for?" Sasuke looked up from his phone and answered, "Mom misses you. She asked me to tell you when you were coming home." The Akatsuki and Sakura looked at Itachi. Hey just shrugged, "when I come back."  Sasuke rolled his eyes and mumbled, "whatever." He looked at Sakura, smiled slightly and waved. "Hey Sakura." Sakura looked suprised that he actually showed emotion to her, but she smiled back and waved nevertheless. "We were just going to get something to eat!!!" Tobi stated rather loudly in Sasuke's ear. He nodded at Tobi and then walked to his car. The Akatsuki shook their head.

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