Chapter 32: Another Plot Twist

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I think I've kept you waiting long enough. I had this idea for a while. Hope you enjoy the drama.


Sakura POV

As Konan and I were driving back, she just kept gushing about my hair. Then we were about to pass an ice cream shop. I screamed, "KONAN!!!!" Her foot slammed hard on the brakes and I almost hit my head on the dash. Her eyes went wide, "Sakura. What. The. Hell." I looked at her, guilty. "Sorry. I saw an ice cream shop and I wanted some." I smiled sheepishly as she looks at me with scolding as. She shook her head and drove towards the shop while I clapped quietly in my seat. It was a cute little shop. It had a small build, and was painted a creamy peach color. We walked inside to order.

Konan POV

As we went to the counter to order, I saw the cashier. He was cute, to bad I'm dating Pein. We walked up and the guy asked, "Hello, welcome to The Ice Cream Parlor. How can I help you?" I smiled and said, "Can I have a cookies n' cream double scoop?" He nodded and turned to Sakura. She looked up and said, "Umm, may I get the French vanilla ice cream? Double scoop?" He nodded and put in our order. He handed us a receipt after we paid and we waited for our order to be called. "Number 26!" Sakura walked up to get the order when I saw him talking to her. She blushed and said something back, and of course I raised my phone to record it and send it to the guys. They are going to blow their gaskets. I smirked evilly. They all loved her equally. But there was one person that just loved her more than a friend. By the time she came back her face was tomato red. "So, how was it?" She blushed harder, if that was even possible. I started to send the video to the guys. She looked and her eyes were practically saucers. I looked at her innocently and she scowled. "They are going to freak." I heard her mumble. I was about say something when gunshots went off in the parlor. Sakura and I ducked under the table. People were running and scrambling around but they wound up getting shot anyway. Sakura had tears going down her face. Then someone ran up to us and pointed a gun at our heads, "Get from under there." We got up slowly and he smirked, taking his mask off at the same pace. We started sweating bullets. Sakura was shaking, "K-Kouijo," she said stuttering. "What-I-I?" Then he slapped her. "Hey!!" I pushed him back and rushed to Sakura's aid. She looked and pointed behind me. Before I could turn I was hit on my head. The last thing I saw was Kouijo grabbing Sakura by her hair, and her screaming in pain. Then I blacked out.

Zetsu POV

I was watching TV when a news cast came on, I was about to turn it when I saw Konan and Sakura in the shop facing Kouijo. My eyes widened, "GUYS!!" They all ran to me. "Look!" They watched and saw when he knocked out Konan, the police walked in but did not get close, as Kouijo had Sakura by the hair. Then he walked away with her. Pein had an angry face and stated in an authoritative voice, "Let go. Now." We all walked put the door.


Cliffhanger!!!! He he, well that was exciting. Thanks guys for you're support. Later.

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