Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own these characters or images, all rights belong to their respected creators, this is purely for the sake of fun.

Robotropolis: Central Spire

{Alarms blaring } "Intruder alert in sector 4-A, hydroelectric power generators" a robotic voice said on the loudspeaker.

"Bring it up on the monitors" growled a deep angry voice.

the large figure of a man wearing a red and black bodysuit with yellow trim, his black and red eyes narrowed and a dark grey glove stroked his incredibly long orange mustache as he thought. He was seated in an equally large chair surrounded by various consoles, screens and buttons that gave them full control over the facilities.

" sir." the small pale human replied nervously.

The man typed in several keys on the large console and instantly an image appeared on the large monitor over head. The image showed various camera angles from inside of the hydroelectric power plant. Enormous turbines the size of homes lined the walls of the plant, a heavy metal bulkhead that spanned the height of the whole structure at the far end of the facility kept the two thousand cubic miles of water from the lake at bay. the top part of the facility had various platforms and connecting gangways for maintenance robots, with a large platform that held the central control panels nestled in the middle of it all. On a normal day that is what should be appearing on the screen along with the bulky, midnight blue armored Swat-bots that guarded the power plant and the various maintenance drones that kept the place running at peak performance.

However, the cameras showed several damaged Swat-bots, their parts scattered around like a broken child's toy, and a cobalt blue hedgehog staring straight into one of the camera lenses, blowing a raspberry to anyone looking at him. The large figure in the chair growled loudly and slammed a heavy metal fist on the arm of his chair

"That blasted rodent AGAIN, send reinforcements and bring me that hedgehog Snivley" boomed the large man angrily.

"Yes Dr. Robotnik." Snivley replied with a tremor in his voice. He knew that the doctor was very angry at this moment and didn't want to be on the receiving end of his wrath this time. He moved swiftly to issue the orders to the various Swat-bot units within the area to stop this blue hedgehog.

Inside the hydroelectric plant:

Sonic was having a blast, messing around with the swat-bots was one of his favorite pastimes, right next to eating chili dogs. The blue blur zipped around the facility at incredible speed causing chaos for any Swat-bot he came across. Two patrolling swat-bots suddenly stopped as Sonic zipped right in front of them, blowing a raspberry and speeding off down the walkway. The swat-bots registered Sonic as the number one priority target and gave chase after a brief moment, their heavy metal boots thumping after the hedgehog.

From her hiding position, Sally Acorn moved out to get a look at the facility. Her blue eyes scanned over the facility,

"where is it?" she thought. Her head swiveled around as she searched for her target, then she saw it. the central controls for the floodgates.

"Bingo" she thought.

Quickly she grabbed her grappling hook and moved to get into a better position to safely swing to. She looked around as she ran across the gangways making sure there were no more swat-bots around, thankfully Sonic had done an excellent job at being a distraction and lured most of them away from her. She aimed the launcher towards the ceiling structure and fired the grappling hook. The sound of the launcher alerted two swat-bots who were firing their blasters at Sonic, causing them to immediately turn around and start shooting at the new target. Sally backed away from the edge of the walkway and reached a hand up to her earpiece, a soft chirp sounded and she started speaking into the small microphone by her mouth,

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