Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own these images or characters

Outside of Knothole:

While walking back from the outskirts, Sally explains what happened during the fight

"That's when I ran away as fast as I could from the swatbots, when I turned to look behind me, there they were, the cloaked figure running back into the forest" Sally finished.

"That is way past cool that this cloak guy came to the rescue." Sonic said cheerfully

"But why ya think they ran away for?"Bunnie questioned

"heh, maybe they have some secret identity they don't want anyone to know" Rotor snickered at the idea

'Or maybe they are some sort of mutant, and that cloak hides their disgusting face, haha" Sonic joked and the two laughed together as they one upped each other

"Oh please, you two read way too many comic books" Sally said amused

"What about you Bunnie, what do you think?" Rotor asked

"Dunno shuga, maybe their just shy" Bunnie responded with a shrug

"Well whatever the reason, we should try to talk to this cloak figure. We at least owe them thanks for helping Dutch and myself." Sally said with a smile

 "Without a doubt Sal, If I see them again, I'll give them the ol Sonic hospitality special." Sonic said while gesturing to himself

"Just try not to go overboard Sonic, we want to welcome them, not scare them" Sally said with a bit of sass

"Moi?, scare? never." he says while running a hand through his quills, "Who would be scared of this handsome hog?"

Sally rolls her eyes and responds "Oh brother"

The Tree House:

Inside the Alchemy room, Jeremiah has finally got the right mixture and has just finished writing down the formula. He then takes the formula and sets it down to the side to let the ink dry with a satisfied smile. The old owl picks up the container of his finished project to store it for later


"GRANDPA. GRANDPA!!!!" Cross shouted

The door to the house bursts open with Cross running in shouting. The sudden noise causes Jeremiah to jump and drops the glass container. He quickly snatches it back up before it hits the ground and gives a relieved sigh before carefully placing it back on the tale. Grabbing his staff, Jeremiah gets up, just as Cross opens the door to the Alchemy room and shouts

"GRANDPA!!" Cross called out

"Stop shouting lad I'm old, not deaf." Jeremiah said slightly annoyed

"Whats going on?" Cosmo asks as she flutters into the room with a towel wrapped around her head, clearly just finishing a bath

"grandpatherewasagiantmachinewithabunchofsoldiersoutsidetheforestandtheywere..." Cross was rapidly talking without taking a breath, Jeremiah holds up a hand to stop him from speaking.

"Hold on, hold on son, slow down and take a breath he calmly said Now whats got you so worked up?" Jeremiah calmly asked

Cross then takes a few deep breaths and proceeds to explain the events of the battle that took place not too long ago, while omitting the part where he stepped in to help. As he listens, Jeremiahs expression changes from curious, to concerned, to shocked, and finally to hardened contemplation. Cosmo for her part was slack jawed as Cross finished explaining

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