Chapter 13

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Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork or the characters, all rights belong to their original creators

Robotropolis Laboratory:

The next day started with Snivley nervously pacing back and forth as he tried to think of a good lie to tell his uncle. So far he has been unsuccessful,  the poor overlander simply continued to pace in front of the central console, one arm behind his back, the other rubbing his chin in thought.

"What do i do? um...maybe i can...nonono that wont work..." Snivley mumbled to himself. 

The sound of the door opening caused him to flinch and he spun around to face a sight he was all too familiar with, the imposing form of his uncle, Dr. Robotnik.

"Trying to play ruler while the emperor is away are you Snivley?" Robotnik said with a sneer as he entered the command center, his red eyes glowering at the shaking form of his nephew.

" sir, never sir, I..I..I was just t..t..testing a new formula to eliminate the freedom fighters" Snivley stuttered in fear

Robotniks eyebrows raised curiously at that "A new formula you say?"

"Y..y..yes sir, a plant killing formula"

"Show me"

"At once sir" Snivley said with a salute, 

He typed in a few commands on the console and brought up the formula, the screen was filled with lines of chemical compounds and measurements that would baffle any normal person. Robotnik however was beyond normal, his brilliant mind easily understood the complex formula shown before him, the large overlander hummed in thought as he read, stroking his mustache as he did.

"Hmm, I must admit Snivley, this is good work" Robotnik grumbled

"T..t.thank you sir," Snivley said relieved

"Still it could use some improvements, perhaps a different delivery method, hmm" His eyes light up as an evil idea sparked in his mind. A wide grin crossed the mad doctors face as he began to chuckle

"hehehe oh I have a most brilliant idea Snivley, one that will bring those annoying rodents to their knees," He gleefully said.

The Great Forest:

"Come on.....almost....GAH!!" Cross yelped in surprise as the bow slipped out of his hands and fell over

"Make sure you brace the bottom limb tightly with your boot, slowly bend the bow with one hand and raise the string with the other." Jeremiah instructed

"Yes grandpa" Cross said with a huff. 

He had been struggling to properly string the bow as his grandpa showed him for ten minutes now, it had looked so simple when the old owl attached the loops to the limbs of the bow. Cross however kept slipping and was beginning to get annoyed that he couldn't do it as fast as his grandpa did. Cross lifted the string once again as he slowly bent the bow towards the upper limb, his breathing increased as he almost made it to the loop. Just as it was about to slip again, he managed to attach the loop onto the upper limb of the bow.

"HA...whew...I DID IT!!" Cross cheered

Jeremiah claps his hands, 

"Excellent work Cross, Remember this will take time to get used to, but once you practice enough....." Jeremiah started

" will become as easy as breathing" cross finished the phrase


Jeremiah walks over to inspect his work and gently plucks the string to test it, with a satisfied nod he moves over to his pack and begins to dig through. Cross for his part is so happy with his accomplishments that he immediately plucks an arrow from the quiver and tries to shoot an arrow at a nearby tree.

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