Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I do not own these images or characters

Knothole village:

The sun was getting low as Rotor let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes as he stood up from his workbench, he had been working on his personal project for a few hours now and after hitting a snag, decided that a break would do him some good.

'I'm just gonna get a snack....maybe some coffee too' he thought as he stretched. He made his way to the door and as he opened it he was greeted by tails who stood there with a plate in one hand and his other raised as if he was about to knock, the door opening briefly surprised the two and Rotor stopped himself from almost running into his friend

"Oh uh, hi Rotor" Tails said, slightly startled

"Hey Tails, whats up" Rotor said

"Well Sally asked me to bring this too you," he said as he held out the plate with a couple sandwiches on it

"Hey cool, thanks buddy," Rotor happily replied and he takes the plate and starts eating

"She also asked if you could stop by HQ real quick, said something about a meeting" Tails explained

"Alright then, wonder whats up," he said with a mouthful of food, he then steps out and closes the door behind him

"Not sure, but i bet it's important," he says and the two make their way towards the Freedom Fighter HQ building. 

On the far end of the village lays a large hill with a door built into the small cliff-side ridge, The HQ was originally an old limestone cavern that had been repurposed as a clubhouse for the Freedom Fighters when they were younger, now it has become a home away from home for various members who need a place to rest and relax. There is a comfortable  and spacious common room downstairs, complete with a kitchen and  dining table. Upstairs contains the research lab where the more delicate electronic equipment is set, the lab is covered in a secure metal dome for protection that has a layer of various solar arrays, that supplied the HQ with power.

Sally, Bunnie, and Antoine were sitting at the table idly chatting after a meal, till Bunnie turned her head and waved at the new arrivals

"Hey y'all" Bunnie waved

"Glad you came Rotor" Sally said

"No problem Sally, whats going on?," Rotor said as he placed the now empty plate in the sink and made his way to the table

"We are just waiting on Jessie and Sonic to come back before we start going over what happened today," She answered.

"I hope he shows up soon" Tails said, and as if it was perfectly timed, there was an echoing shout coming from the far end of the common room where the hidden slide entrance was located.

"HEADS UP KNOTHOLE" the voice echoed and the blue blur popped out of the hole and landed on the large, puffy cushion at the bottom. He bounced once then spun his body mid air off the cushion and landed on his feet, striking a pose for anyone who saw. 

"Am I good or what?" Sonic exclaimed

Sally rolled her eyes at the performance but gave Sonic a smile as she was used to his antics   " "Hi Sonic, how was the mission" She asked

"Mission accomplished Sal, the Northern Frontier Fighters are all stocked up" Sonic replied with confidence

"SONIC," Tails said excitedly

"Yo little bro, whats up" Sonic happily asked  and the two friends high fived as they sat down at the table.

"Nice ta hear some good news today" Bunnie stated

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