twenty nine

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The Kim couple settled back into their routines, with Jisoo immersed in the demands of managing the company, ensuring its continued success, while Jennie balanced her time between her shoots which are mostly just short-duration photoshoots, thanks to that she is basically free most of the time.

Despite their busy lives, they always made time for each other, cherishing the moments they could steal away amidst their respective commitments. In the quiet moments between hectic schedules, their love remained steadfast, a constant source of strength and solace in their bustling lives.

Jisoo made sure to spend her time with her wife as much as she could, despite her busy schedule with work and meetings. She would take the younger girl out on dates just whenever she had time, even if it was not too long.

Moreover, Jisoo's gestures of affection extended beyond their outings. Almost every day, she made it a point to bring home a bouquet of flowers for Jennie, a symbol of her enduring love and admiration. The frequency of these thoughtful gifts had increased recently, no specific reason, she just wanted to.

Whenever Jennie asks why, she simply tells the younger girl that she just loves her gummy smile whenever she inhales.the sweet fragrance of the flower. In that simple gesture, Jisoo found joy and solace, a reminder of the happiness they shared in the small, everyday moments of their lives.

Today, in the dim light of early morning, Jisoo stirred from her sleep, roused by the sound of her wife's whiny. Blinking groggily, she opened her eyes to find Jennie pouting, her arms crossed tightly over her chest in a display of adorable petulance.

"Love, what's wrong?" Jisoo looked at her wife in a blurry vision, her eyes were barely open but she tried.

It was still early, too early. Usually, Jisoo always awakes first because she has to get to work early since she can't be late or her dad will cook her ass. Jennie would still be asleep if she didn't have an early shooting, which she should be now because as far as Jisoo remembers today is her rest day.

Did i forget something?

Jisoo gulped, feels like this isn't anything good. She can feel the atmosphere judging by her wife's grumpy expression.

Just like she guessed, suddenly Jennie threw a pillow in her face. "You just hugged another girl in front of me!"

Jisoo blinked, confused as fuck. "W-What?"

"I saw you hugged a bitch!"

"When did i do that? we were literally just cuddling the whole time??" she asked confusedly, having no idea what was her wife talking about.

She got up to pull Jennie closer but the grumpy kitten pushed her away.

"Don't touch me! Your hands were on her waist, i saw it with my own eyes."

"Jen, you're not making any sense." she chuckled awkwardly, having no absolute idea whatever the hell that means.

"Hmph! I'm pretty sure you enjoyed hugging her-" she was cut by Jisoo's lips on hers.

The older girl chuckled, knowing what this is about now. "Is it one of your dreams again?"

"It looked so real, i was just about to pull that bitch's hair then i woke up." she muttered annoyingly.

Jennie would always have a dream of Jisoo cheating on her with other girls. It was just a dream but it did ruin her whole day mood. Sometimes she woke up and provoked her wife, who was peacefully sleeping and had no idea what she was talking about.

Jisoo gets used to it by now. Her wife can be grumpy sometimes and she understands her moods swing.

"Love, let's get back to sleep? I'm just here, if there's a girl i hug and kiss that would be you." she pulled the younger into her embrace and kissed her forehead.

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