thirty four

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Jisoo stood there, unmoved, for a good ten minutes after her wife left. Her mind was flooded with thoughts: maybe this wasn’t as big of a problem as she feared. Maybe she could find a way to change this; every problem has a solution, right?

Seeing her wife look so happy made her think that she should do something about this. Hence, she's freaking plotting a whole ass mission in her mind.

If Chaerin hated her, why not try to change her mind? It didn’t sound that bad.

After all, she had won Jennie’s heart many times, even on their worst days as a married couple. Even during their biggest fight ever, even through their fiercest battles, and those were no small feats! And look, she's still here; all good. Hello?

Consequently, what was the difference with her mom?

If Jisoo could win Jennie’s heart, then why not her mom’s? It couldn’t be that hard, right? She just needed to show Chaerin she regretted her mistakes and show her sincerity. She would understand.



That’s right. She just had to win her wife’s mom’s heart, and make her accept her as her daughter-in-law once more. And boom! They could finally live freely and happily, with no more secrets or fears. A true happy ending!

In the past, Jisoo never really cared much, but now it gnawed at her. Could she really keep living a lie, pretending Jennie’s mom’s disapproval didn’t matter? Absolutely not. Not to her. And she knew, her wife wouldn't want this either.

Okay, maybe it would be a little bit (?) hard and challenging, but it wasn’t impossible. If she put her heart into it, if she could show Jennie’s mom how deeply she regretted her mistakes, maybe, just maybe... she could earn her forgiveness.


Chaerin used to like Jisoo when they were dating. Winning her over again shouldn’t be that hard, right? Jisoo had avoided this issue for years, she never saw it as that big of a problem. And they were fine all this time.

But now, things were different. She didn't want to keep living under this shadow. She wanted to change it and was determined to make it happen. It actually surprisingly sounds easy. Well, fuck it even if it didn't.

She was determined to win Chaeri- no, her mother-in-law’s heart again. For Jennie, for their future family (when they have kids), and ultimately, maybe also for herself.

Jisoo pumped her fist with determination, feeling proud for finally facing a problem she'd dodged for nearly a decade.

"You got this, Kim Jisoo. Who could hold a grudge with a face like this? Exactly, no one would ever hate this gorgeous face. You're Kim Jisoo for god's sake." she chuckled to herself as she made her way inside, confident.


Jisoo waited for Chaerin downstairs, pacing nervously and twiddling her fingers. She was thinking about how to win back her mother-in-law's heart.

She'd seen it in dramas; sincerity and unwavering love could melt anyone's heart. That was the formula, right? Just be genuine, and everything would fall into place. Nothing complicated. Really.

"That's right, Kim Jisoo," she reassured herself quietly. "Show her your sincerity. She'll come around eventually."

Jisoo was confident she could make Chaerin stop hating her. If her mother-in-law really looked, she would see how deeply Jisoo loves her daughter, that alone should be enough for approval.

If only it were as easy as she thought.

Who knows? A mother’s protectiveness can be stronger than anything, especially when Jennie is her only child. It's understandable.

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