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I sat at the lunch table where tiana and brianna sat on their phones talking, i had only been thinking of lamere the whole time in class, its only been a day that passed since the whole convenient store situation happened, i kept thinking and going back in forth in mind trying to figure out if he likes me or is he just playing me

A girl just came out of nowhere last night and came up to him like they had been lovers, its confusing me and had been giving me a headache all day and night, he said she was delusional and they used to just talk but it seemed like something more, well maybe just in my eyes

Maybe its nothing and maybe im just insecure, orrrr maybe it is something and hes just tryna cover up his lies. Ughhhhhh this is toooo much my head is hurtinggggg

I looked up from my untouched lunch which now had a fly on it. I looked up and saw tiana and brianna typing away on their phone

I'll ask brianna what i should do

"Hey brianna, um what should you do if lets say a guy that you were talking to ..... had a random girl come up to him talking like they were ex's" i asked

She looked up from her phone, her mouth opened as she was about to respond but as words were about to come out another voice spoke over brianna's

"Cut him off, obviously" tiana said obnoxiously

I turned over to the obnoxious girl who spoke over brianna

I really don't remember asking you, but whatever

I deeply sighed and decided to ignore her

"Brianna ! As i asked before, what should i do if a guy im talking to is acting shady" i said

Brianna then chuckled at the way tiana spoke over her

"Well to be honest im kinda siding with tiana on this one, if that was me i would cut him off in a heartbeat" brianna said

I then sighed and looked back down at my food

"....yeah, but-

"Girl what do you mean but. I can't believe you've stooped so low now every since you and Ty broke up, now you just letting anyone treat you bad" tiana said

My head snapped back over tiana, and unconsciously my face scrunched up as i took in her rude statement

"Tiana i dont think i asked y-

"I dont care if you did or not, you keep running to bri about your little boy problems and its annoying, as good as a friend brianna is to you, you still always have a attitude with her" tiana said

She then stood up out of her seat and walked off with a attitude, i then looked over at brianna confused, she just shrug her shoulders and shook her head slowly

"I don't know whats up with her, please excuse her" she said

I sighed " its alright"

I then felt a light hand on top of my hand, i looked up from my plate to see brianna holding my hand looking at me concerned

"It'll be alright okay, do what you seem fit because me i wont judge, and also when did you start seeing someone again"

I chuckled "dont worry its nothing, nothing serious at least"

"You sure" she asked


"Mkay then, i have to go check on her now, see ya" she said

"Mkay, bye"

She then got up from the table and left me there with even more questions and thoughts then when i came there.

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