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I knocked on the door 3 times, no answer, i knocked once again and still no answer

I started getting worried, i looked down at the doorknob and started thinking

What am i thinking getting so worked up this is my mom were talking about

I rolled my eyes and walked into the house, the door was unlocked for anyone to open it and kill her, but she didnt care nor did she probably know...

I walked into the house and immediately covered my nose, it smelled my literal booty cheeks in there

The house was dark, and not taken care of, it was definitely not how i left it. As soon as i walked in the house i heard faint moans from my mother

What did i expect

I went into the kitchen and turned on the light, as soon as i turned on the light cockroaches ran across the kitchen floor and cabinets trying to hide

I looked over to the sink and saw piles of dishes that have not been touched in months, there was flys hovering over it and mold growing on the dishes

I almost threw up

This is disgusting, does she really only do is have meaningless sex

I placed my suitcase by a wall praying no roaches get in there, i locked my moms front door, then started approaching my moms room door

My hands trembled

Ugh i always hated this

I have to bust in my moms room while shes having sex

I sighed

Get a grip alisson

I busted open the room door, i quickly covered my eyes before i get traumatized

"GET THE F OUT" i yelled

Both of them yelled, my mom screamed and put the cover over her, and the dude covered his private part

"A- a- alisson sweety-

"NO FIRST GET THIS MAN OUT OF THE HOUSE" i yelled still having my hands covering my eyes

"B- but aliss-


"I- i'll get out" the man said getting up

"Y- yeah i guess thatll be best" she said patting his back

I heard him struggling to put back on his clothes, it aggravated me so bad

"HURRY UP" i yelled

"I am, i am, calm down" he mumbled

I soon heard his footsteps exit out of the room, and soon leave the house

I sighed and uncovered my eyes

My mom looked at me looking a little fed up

"You just had to come and ruin the fun" she said

"Dont look at me like that, imagine how i feel having to finally come home to hearing my mom moan a new mans name out" i said

She looked at me and rolled her eyes

"I see your still up tight, and to classy for someone like me" she said

"And i see you still keep your legs wide open for everyone" i said

She swiftly grabbed my chin

"Watch y-

I slapped her hand

"Dont touch me with those hands"

She snickered

I dont find one bit of this funny or entertaining at the least

"Go wait out front for me" she said

I nodded my head then walked out of her room

I walked into the living room and sat down on the table, that was the least dirtiest thing there

And its not like im coming for anyone with situations like these, im just like this towards my mom, she had so much potential before my dad left and now she's just an sex addict whose whole life consumes of that, to the point where when she does have free time the last thing on her mind is to tighty up or something, and lastly before i moved out for college it was never this bad the house always was clean by me and i always tried to at least help my mom out with this, but since i was moving I couldn't do that anymore, i asked her to please just do one thing for me and thats to at least try and keep the house nice, and now look how it is

She just lies and lies and lies

Soon my mom joined me in the living room with a robe on

"Was you bad mouthing me in your head" she asked

"How'd you know"

"Got a hunch" she said

She had a cigarette in her hand and a lighter in the other

She sat on the other side of the table lighting her cigarette

"Thought you said you'd quit" i said

"Its not like you care"

"Your right"

It was a silent pause between us, neither one of us wanted to see each other and it was as clear as day where we stood

"So you finally got your rocks off" she said

My face scrunched up


"Dont try and play dumb, you heard me" she said smoking her cig

I looked away agreeing that she was right

"Howd you know" I asked

"Mothers intuition, im just playing definitely not that dumb junk, but i think you can take a guess of how good i am in detecting things in the sex roam"

"I guess" i said

"Im guessing by ty" she said

"Wrong" i said

"Oh, who then" she asked

I turned away

"Its none of your business" i said turning my head

"Was it good" she asked chuckling

Her laugh made me wanna laugh, i let out a small chuckle that turned into laughter with my mom

Stop laughing, are you slow

I quickly stopped laughing realizing the situation

She looked at me

"What whyd you stop laughing"

"Just didnt wanna be dragged into your sinking hole"

She rolled her eyes again

"Heard from your dad" she asked not looking at me anymore

"No, you know I didn't"

It was silent once again

She looked around the house and sighed

"Its always so quiet around here, and its never the calming quiet, its the lonely one" she said

"I could tell, why wont you try and clean up"

" its easier said sweetheart, but you wouldn't know that, you cant possibly know a feeling other than a rainbows and sunshine" she said

"And you only feel the rush of meaningless se-

Right then she tried and grabbed my face WITH.HER.HANDS

I grabbed her hand before it landed on my face

"Dont. Touch. Me. With. Those. Hands" i said

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