Chapter 11-20

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Chapter 11

Seeing Xia Qingtang talking like this, Yao Rong looked even more helpless. She gently patted Xia Qingtang's shoulder and whispered: "Don't be so pessimistic first, let's think of other solutions."

But Xia Qingtang had already thought of other ways, but she couldn't say them out for the time being, so she still smiled honestly, which made the workers in the first workshop sympathize with her even more. After learning that Xia Daming was injured because he was doing the work of two people by himself, he went to the hospital. Later, the workers became even more angry.

Wen Xiaoli's eyes even turned red: "Uncle Xia and Qingtang are both serious workers. What did they do wrong to be bullied like this? What kind of world is this? Just... let that person bully our workers in our factory. ?"

"What can we do? The factory manager doesn't pay any attention to me!" said another young female worker.

Wen Xiaoli said: "Then we will go to the factory director every day! Doesn't he listen to our workers' calls at all?"

Xia Qingtang hugged Wen Xiaoli emotionally, and then said loudly: "Xiaoli, thank you. But don't say that. No one bullied us. It's all my fault. It's because I'm useless that my dad got hurt. Later When I go back to the warehouse, even if I break a leg, I will work hard to become a qualified porter!"

As soon as these words came out, the onlookers felt a little bit in their hearts, but Xia Qingtang didn't wait for them to persuade her, and went back to the warehouse despite everyone's sympathetic and angry looks.

Within fifteen minutes of continuing to work, Xia Qingtang successfully pressed herself under a large bag of cotton and quickly lost consciousness.

The workers in the warehouse were in panic again, and Director Feng, who had never been angry before, couldn't help but get angry: "What on earth is the factory trying to do? Are they trying to kill people in our warehouse?"

Not daring to delay after scolding, Director Feng hurriedly asked people to carry Xia Qingtang to the hospital.

The workers in the first workshop were originally worried about Xia Qingtang, so some people had been paying attention to the situation here. When they saw a simple stretcher being carried out, someone immediately came over to take a look and found that Xia Qingtang was in trouble, so they ran to the first workshop.

When Xia Qingtang woke up in the hospital, she saw several workers from the first workshop standing beside the bed. Everyone's eyes were slightly red. Wen Xiaoli was still holding the hand of the union chairman and was whispering something.

"Wake up, wake up!" Seeing Xia Qingtang wake up, everyone immediately gathered around.

"Qingtang, how are you?"

"Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Xia Qingtang asked knowingly, pretending to be confused and weakly said: "I...what's wrong? I'm not at work..."

"You were knocked unconscious in the warehouse. Fortunately, it's nothing serious. The doctor has examined you. There are bruises all over your body and your bones are fine. Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere else?"

Xia Qingtang frowned deliberately in pain: "Headache..."

The doctor came over to check again and said that it was probably a concussion caused by hitting his head. The workers shed tears again. It was not until the doctor said that treatment with peace of mind and a good rest would definitely make him better. Wen Xiaoli and others felt a little better. .

After the doctor left, the union chairman walked to the bedside and said with great concern: "Xiao Xia, I have heard everyone tell you about your situation. Your transfer does not comply with the factory regulations. Our union will definitely help you." It's solved. As for you, just rest here and recuperate. Don't worry about anything else. Your health is the first priority. There is no need to worry about your father, his waist injury is not serious and he has gone home to recuperate. "

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