Chapter 141-150

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Chapter 141

She filled a large bowl of fragrant stewed rice for everyone, and even filled her own bowl with some crispy rice.

Xia Qingtang likes to put a little bit of bacon or sausage in the stewed rice. It doesn't need to be too much. Just cut it into small pieces. In this way, the aroma and fat of the lard will penetrate into every grain of rice, no matter what type it is. Braised rice can be made extremely fragrant.

If there was no bacon or sausage at home at that time, she would use some lard, which could achieve the same effect. Therefore, this kind of rice crispy rice cake is also very fragrant, and people with good teeth will love it. This bite.

The crispy rice cake Xia Qingtang made today was very successful. It was just the right brown color without turning black at all. It tasted really happy.

Everyone was immersed in eating the stewed rice. Even Leng Feng, a person who was indifferent to everything, speeded up his eating, which showed how delicious the stewed rice was.

After several people finished eating the first bowl, Xie Xiaoshuang sighed softly and said in a low voice: "It's so delicious."

"Yes, it's so delicious." Hu Yanni said: "If I were a man, I would want to marry Qingtang. In this way, I can eat such delicious meals every day, and I will definitely be extremely happy. "

Xia Qingtang said: "Even if we get married, we can't eat these every day. Lao Luo pays for us to eat from his own pocket. Usually, Jinxuan and I eat very simply. Stir-fried. A plate of green vegetables or a stewed rice with dried vegetables is a very good meal. What kind of family does it have to eat like this every day?"

Hu Yanni said: "I heard before that the director of the Revolutionary Committee who was shot to death, his family used to eat like this every day. I have an acquaintance who lives in the same compound as them, and I heard that every winter, There are dozens of pieces of bacon drying in their yard! It's not the small pieces of bacon we make, but the big pieces that can be eaten for a long time."

"So he was gunned down." Xie Xiaoshuang laughed. "It's not worth it to die just to eat something good. How old are you? You'd better live well." "

"Oh, I didn't say I wanted to eat like this every day, I just said, someone has eaten like this before." Hu Yanni explained.

Luo Xiangqian said: "Yanni, I will work hard and strive for promotion as soon as possible. As long as I am promoted, the salary and food stamps I can receive will increase, and I can buy more of everything. The food will be fine too. Trust me, I will definitely get promoted soon."

Hu Yanni blushed slightly and whispered: "I know, I believe you, you don't need to say it here, there are so many people..."

"What's wrong with so many people? We're all old friends. What are you afraid of? I'm also telling your two good friends so that they can rest assured." Luo Xiangqian suddenly became very serious. Said: "Xiaoxia, actually I have wanted to tell you for a long time."

"Ah...what are you talking about?" Xia Qingtang swallowed a piece of pork liver and became a little nervous when he said it.

Luo Xiangqian said seriously: "Actually, I am a little embarrassed. Yanni is your good friend. I have fallen in love with her. In fact, I should have said hello to you in advance. But not only did I not give it to you, Say hello, I have been hiding it from you. And you have discovered this a long time ago, but you have also helped us hide it. To be honest, I feel uncomfortable in my heart, and I do owe you an explanation. "

"Don't say that, our Yanni is such a good girl, it's normal for you to fall in love with her, and it fully shows that you are very discerning." Xia Qingtang said with a smile: "However, you should follow Let me tell you, when did you start pursuing Yanni? Where did the fight between you two begin? Was it the night you sent Yanni out... where did it start? "

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