Chapter 51-60

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Chapter 51

"Our Xiaoyun is indeed a smart guy. With him here, we don't have to worry about anything. Besides, your mother is not that kind of person. She can distinguish the importance of things. This time she went back to her parents' home for her mother. What's the matter? Huo will definitely hold back and come back to vent his anger on Chengye." Grandpa Xie said.

Xie Chengye and his wife have a very good relationship, so Grandpa Xie is very familiar with the style of his son and daughter-in-law.

Seeing that Xia Qingtang's attention was successfully diverted, Xie Jinxuan nodded and said, "Grandpa is right, this way I don't have to worry."

Aunt Six's voice just came from the kitchen: "Is everyone down? It's time to have breakfast!"

Xia Qingtang immediately ran to the kitchen to help. Aunt Six cooked her own glutinous rice balls, which were filled with mashed peanuts and black sesame seeds, mixed with brown sugar, and the filling would flow out when you took a bite. It was particularly sweet and delicious. , everyone ate a big bowl.

After eating, Grandpa Xie has to go out to work again. Today is the Lantern Festival. Naturally, he has various activities and meetings to attend and will not be back until the evening.

Grandma was afraid that glutinous rice would be difficult to digest, so after Aunt Six finished cleaning up the kitchen, she took her with her to talk to old friends.

Aunt Six said: "Why don't you drag Qingtang with us?"

"I'll go to work tomorrow, let the young couple spend time alone today." Grandma said with a smile: "I think Jinxuan seems to have something on her mind, so I'd better let them stay together." The uncertainties will be solved."

When it was almost eight o'clock, Xie Chengye also ran to the work with his wallet, leaving Xie Jinxuan and Xia Qingtang alone at home.

Xia Qingtang was sitting in the backyard basking in the sun. Xie Jinxuan gave her a cup of hot tea and asked her if she wanted to go out and play.

"What are you playing for?" Xia Qingtang said, "I don't have much interest in playing."

Her previous hobbies were cooking food, reading books, and watching TV series. Basically, they were all hobbies that could be completed at home. Because she had no money or time before, she could only find fun in these things.

As for now, she has money and time, but there are currently few recreational activities in society. Xia Qingtang has even thought about finding a teacher to start learning foreign languages.

Xie Jinxuan really likes outdoor sports. He can play basketball, table tennis, and is also good at track and field.

Xie Jinxuan thought for a while, and seeing that the sun was just right and there was no wind, she asked her if she wanted to go out and play table tennis. He could teach her the techniques.

"I want to play ball, but will playing with me delay your reading?"

"It's a holiday today, so it's okay to be lazy." Xie Jinxuan said, went to get the racket and ball, and took Xia Qingtang out.

Past the basketball court in the courtyard is a row of table tennis tables, all made of bricks and stones. Many children and young people are already playing there.

Fortunately, the table closest to the road was still empty, so Xie Jinxuan took Xia Qingtang there to play ball.

Xia Qingtang's table tennis skills were mediocre, having been picked up casually from her classmates when she was in school, but Xie Jinxuan was very patient, feeding her the ball, leading her to pull the ball, and telling her how to correct her movements.

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