Chapter 151-160

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Chapter 151

Gu Xing'an's expression suddenly became very ugly. He was filled with shame and quickly lowered his head, not daring to look into Xia Qingtang's slightly angry eyes.

Xia Qingtang felt that it was quite boring to be angry with such a person. Besides, Hu Yanni had found her own happiness now, so she said: "Classmate Gu, although it was true that you found an outsider first before breaking up with Yanni. But Yanni doesn't know about this, and I won't tell her. So, you don't have to worry about these things all the time. Yanni is a very independent and strong girl. This kind of thing is dispensable to her, and her ideal has never been to find a good man to marry. She has always wanted to be a good teacher in the future. So, you really don't have to worry anymore. She is very good, very good, and will live a happy life in the future. As an ordinary classmate, just take care of yourself and live your own life."

Gu Xing'an then raised his head, his expression recovered a little, and he whispered: "Thank you, I understand. I have always been a little guilty, but I didn't dare to say it. If you say this now, I will understand. ‌No, I will never ask about Xiao Hu again."

Xia Qingtang was about to speak when he heard a girl's voice coming from behind: "Xing'an! I'm coming!"

Xia Qingtang looked back and saw that Gu Xingan's partner, Chang Xiaohong, had arrived.

I haven't seen Chang Xiaohong for a long time. She still looks as ordinary as before, but she is still very well-dressed.

In the midsummer weather, she didn't wear a white shirt and a black skirt or ordinary trousers like most students. She carefully wore a red striped dress with a slightly puffy hem. The texture of the fabric looks very good, and she is wearing a pair of fashionable plastic sandals on her feet, and she is carrying a white leather bag with long shoulder straps, which looks very fashionable.

In the past, even women who liked dressing up could only carry one black leather bag. But starting this year, department stores began to sell leather bags in a variety of colors, including white, brown, gray and light brown.

Xie's mother also bought a white one for Xia Qingtang, but she would only carry it on her back during holidays and not at work, for fear of being too eye-catching and causing unnecessary trouble.

But Chang Xiaohong dresses up so fashionably every day when she comes to school. It seems that she really values ​​Gu Xing'an.

But it's understandable, after all, Gu Xing'an's appearance is good, but Chang Xiaohong's appearance is ordinary. If she doesn't put more effort into her dress, she won't look like a good match with Gu Xing'an.

"Your partner is here, so I'll leave first. I'm in a hurry. Goodbye." Xia Qingtang smiled, got on her bicycle and left.

Behind her, she heard Chang Xiaohong saying: "Xing'an, who is this? Why did you leave when you saw me coming?"

Gu Xing'an said: "This is my classmate, have you forgotten? She is Xie Jinxuan's lover."

"Ah, it's her. I remembered it. No wonder she was dressed up so elegantly. I was also wondering, when did our school have someone who is so good at dressing up..." Chang Xiaohong said: " Why did your classmate leave without saying hello to me? You are so rude."

"She's in a hurry."

"What time are you rushing for?"


Xia Qingtang couldn't hear the rest clearly at all, but she didn't care much and hurriedly rode her bicycle to Xu Zhenhua's office.

Although Xu Zhenhua didn't care much about being late, Xia Qingtang, as a student who came to study, still had to have a correct attitude and shouldn't be late and leave early.

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