Chapter 21-30

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Chapter 21

Wen Xiaoli looked back as she walked, and her tone was also full of worry: "Qingtang, if you provoke him like this, he may really wear small shoes for your wife. If your wife loses her job, how will you live? You can't support two people by your own salary and food stamps... Besides, if you lose your job, you can't divide the house. Where will you live then?

"The one surnamed Kong is scaring people. How can his family have so much ability to drive away a person from the provincial party committee? My wife didn't make any mistakes. What reason should I use to drive him away? Xia Qingtang whispered, "Just now, Director Qi ignored that man. He was so angry that he deliberately came to scare me. How could I not understand? If I believe what he said, he would be a fool."

Kong Liangchao is indeed bluffing. Grandpa Kong used to be a leader in the city, but he has retired a long time ago. Even if he is still in power, he does not have the ability to dictate in the province. Besides, Grandpa Kong is relatively cautious. It is impossible to go to the province to find someone for the private grudges of the younger generation. Zi.

What's more, she now knows what the Xie family is and doesn't need to worry at all.

Even if Kong Liangchao really didn't know whether to kill or die to stumbling Xie Jinxuan, the person who died in the end must be himself, and maybe he will drag down a Kong family.

Therefore, Xia Qingtang deliberately provoked Kong Liangchao and wanted him to dig a hole and jump into it.

Moreover, counting the time, Xu Jianming should also take action. At that time, he will be worried about internal and external troubles, how can he take revenge on Xia Qingtang?

Seeing that Xia Qingtang was so sure, Wen Xiaoli was relieved.

After saying two more words, the two were ready to separate at the corner. Wen Xiaoli thought about it and was worried, but she still took Xia Qingtang's hand and whispered, "Qingtang, you know that more units have made a lot of trouble this time. That Kong cadre is ashamed and will definitely retaliate against you. I know you are not worried about losing your job, but I heard from my father that those who have the ability always have unexpected ways to trick people. You must be careful.

With sincere concern in Wen Xiaoli's words, Xia Qingtang felt warm, shook her hand hard, and then nodded, "Don't worry, I will be careful. My lover will also protect me."

"Ye! If anything happens, tell us that we will help you in the workshop!"

"Thank you, I will." Xia Qingtang thanked and saw Wen Xiaoli slowly walk away before moving forward.

In my last life, I always wanted to escape from the hard workshop as soon as possible, but looking at these workers in the workshop, they are all solid good people. Xia Qingtang is no hurry to change positions and plans to wait for Xu Jianming to take action and talk about it later.

She slowly walked to the downtown area. It was still early. Xie Jinxuan and the others would not get off work until a while. Xia Qingtang walked around the nearby Xinhua Bookstore and planned to buy a novel to read.

After the resumption of the high school entrance examination, Xinhua Bookstore is also different from before, and now more people are coming here to buy dictionaries.

Xia Qingtang stood outside the counter and slowly looked at the books on the bookshelf, trying to find one she had not read.

Now it costs more than one yuan for a novel, which is not convenient for her income at this time, but Xia Qingtang still has more money, so it's okay to buy a book to pass the time. Moreover, she has always liked to read novels and spend money on her hobbies, which she thinks it's worth it.

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