Chapter 71-80

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Chapter 71

After Xie Jinxuan went out, Xia Daming breathed a sigh of relief, then took a sip of tea from the cup and tasted the mung bean cake: "It's delicious."

"If it's delicious, eat more." Xia Qingtang said: "Xie Jinxuan bought these to entertain you. If you don't eat them, you will suffer a loss. There are melon seeds, peanuts and biscuits at home. I said there is no need to buy snacks. But he still went and bought it."

Xia Daming smiled: "My son-in-law is indeed a good person. It's really rare for a child raised by that kind of family to have no airs or temper at all."

Xia Qingtang understands Xia Daming's feelings. She used to think that children raised by cadre families are like Kong Liangchao and Kong Liangjing, arrogant and look down on others. But in fact, there are so many people in the world who are well-educated and qualified. The children raised by other families are inherently different, and it has nothing to do with whether the family conditions are good or not.

"It's not that rare. The row where grandpa lives is of a similar level. Their children are all pretty good. Some are a little arrogant, but they don't look down on them either. People are just full of confidence in themselves. After I got married, everyone in the courtyard knew that I was a front-line worker in the cotton spinning factory. People in that row of houses did not look down on me. On the contrary, they lived in Tongzilou. Some people around here like to talk about me, saying that Xie Jinxuan has no discernment and so on. Of course, they would not dare to say it in front of me, but I can see it openly. After all, Jinxuan has a good character and good looks. Who can Don't you want to marry your daughter to him? People envy me, which is understandable." Xia Qingtang laughed and said, "Anyway, people who bully others are definitely rare. Let's just say that Jinxuan's good friend Lao Luo, he is also a big leader in his family, he is very generous and has great interpersonal relationships."

Xia Daming nodded quickly: "My son-in-law is a good person, and his friends must also be good people. That can't be wrong. I'm not worried about the people around my son-in-law, but I am a little worried about your brother. That Xiao Wu... She had a female classmate come over. I happened to go to deliver something to your brother that day, and I met her at Xiao Wu's house. The girl was very handsome, but... she didn't take it seriously. Human. Alas... there is nothing we can do. Although your brother is not the son-in-law, the house he lives in now is rented by Mr. and Mrs. Wu. Tell me, how can you raise your head? But we Xiao Wu doesn't want to live in that shack at home."

"Dad, you don't have to worry about Xia Qinghai. He is so smart. No matter how much Wu Jinfeng's female classmates look down on him, he can keep Wu Jinfeng under control. As for living in someone else's house, that's not Is that exactly what he wanted? He didn't want to live in the shack at home, so he married Wu Jinfeng. He had already thought about everything, and he knew how to deal with it." Xia Qingtang told the truth. , In her last life, she felt that Xia Qinghai had no ability, but for some reason, Xia Qinghai has also changed a lot in this life. He is deeper in the city and can use his brain better.

Xia Daming said: "Your brother has indeed changed a lot since he came back from the countryside, and so have you. I don't know when. You and your brother have become different..."

"Change is a good thing. What's good about staying the same?"

Xia Daming laughed for a while. After finishing the mung bean cake and taking a sip of tea, Xia Qingtang stuffed him with another piece of chicken cake. He took a bite and looked outside the door, then whispered: "Where are you at home?" It's very clean. Are you the one who usually cleans it?"

This was asking Xie Jinxuan if he could do the housework. Xia Qingtang said honestly: "I clean the house with him. If he worked a lot of overtime and came home late, then I would clean the house." Clean more. When he is not busy, we will take turns cleaning. His work is close, so he will come back at noon to collect quilts and wash large clothes. It is too cold in winter and he won't allow thick clothes. I wash, he is responsible for it. As for eating, he gets up early in the morning, and when he comes back from exercise, he goes to the cafeteria to buy some steamed buns and flower rolls. We eat and go to work. I usually cook dinner, as long as he If he doesn't work overtime, he will wash, cut and put the vegetables there, and also stew the rice. When I get home, he can cook directly and have dinner soon. Sometimes he will go When we eat at grandma's place, Aunt Six will make delicious food and bring it to us. Most of the time, we don't have to buy groceries. Aunt Six will buy them together and bring them over. We don't have children now, so it's like this ‌I am still very satisfied with my current life situation."

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