Chapter 171-183 (end)

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Chapter 171

Originally, Xia Qingtang planned to give these two clothes to Hu Yanni, but Hu Yanni said that doing business was not easy, so she decided to pay.

Of course, Xia Qingtang didn't make any money from her, but only charged a cost price.

In addition, Xia Qingtang also prepared a new piece of clothing for everyone in the family as a gift.

After telling Luo Xiangqian and others about the opening of the store later, I will definitely sell things to them at cost price.

This is also one of the reasons why she doesn't plan to tell too many people about opening a store, because she has quite a lot of friends and acquaintances. If everyone buys clothes at cost price, then she won't open a clothing store. If you don't have a shop, you might as well do charity.

This is not because she is stingy, but it is not easy to open a store and do business. Xia Qingtang has already paid so much cost, and she needs to see the benefits.

Otherwise, she could just go to work honestly, why bother doing this business?

The preparation before opening the store was very hard. She had been busy for a long time after work some time ago. From the layout of the store to the staff training, she did everything herself.

Why is she? Naturally, it is to realize the dream of becoming a rich man as soon as possible.

Luo Xiangqian took a bite of the spicy mixture and said, "But I heard from people in the courtyard that some clothes in that store only have one piece. Those who go first buy first, and those who go later only have one." I can buy other things. It would be a pity if I miss out on some nice clothes."

"That's okay. There are so many clothes. You don't have to buy just that one." Hu Yanni said.

Luo Qianqian chuckled: "That's right, you are so good-looking anyway, you will look good no matter what you wear."

"Stop talking nonsense. There are so many people, so you're not ashamed." Hu Yanni quickly put a chopstick into Luo Qianqian's bowl and asked him to eat quickly and stop talking nonsense.

Luo Xiangqian took a big bite and said: "Speaking of which, that clothing store is really extraordinary. Those big-character posters were posted all over the streets and alleys before, and they also held lottery activities. They were so brave. It's big enough, and I'm not afraid of trouble from above... I've heard that this store, like the newly opened restaurant, is privately contracted. If a private person is so brave, I'll do it for him. They're sweating it."

Leng Feng said calmly: "Anyone who dares to do this must have already applied to the superiors. What are you worried about?"

Luo Qianqian sighed: "It seems that the world has really changed, it is really different from before."

Xie Jinxuan smiled and said, "Do you know that the world is different? In fact, you could see the difference the year before last, and it was even more like this last year. When the New Year is approaching, those stalls People selling things dare to set up stalls in the most conspicuous places. Do you think anyone cares about these things? No one cares about it at all, which shows that the higher-ups also support this."

"Yes, I asked Leng Feng at that time, if they set up a stall like this, don't they need to worry about it? As a result, Leng Feng said that they don't need to worry about it. The superiors have already turned a blind eye." Luo Xiangqian said. : "I just sigh, I always feel a little scared."

"Afraid? What are you afraid of?" Leng Feng couldn't help but ask.

Others also looked at Luo Qianqian curiously, wondering why he was afraid.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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