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A girl in her early 20's was laying on her bed using her phone, messaging her only best friend complaining about their lives.
A voice echoed the house, causing her to jump from her bed.
Mom: "Y/N! Come down now!"
Y/N: "Oh shit you are so dead Y/N"
She mumbled to herself, slowly walking out of her room.

She stood by the stairs peeping down only to see her mom, grandparents and her elder brother talking to each other

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She stood by the stairs peeping down only to see her mom, grandparents and her elder brother talking to each other.

Aadi: "Y/N why are you standing over there?"

He said, catching everyone's attention. She shot a death glare at him, he chuckled and winked at her in return.

Mom: "Didn't you hear me earlier?"

She spoke in a serious tone. Y/N smiled awkwardly and walked downstairs. She sat beside her grandpa hugging him from side. He caressed her hair slowly.

Y/N: "Yes mom?"
Mom: "What did you do to aarav?"
Y/N: "Who? The neighbour's son?"
Mom: "I don't have to explain it!"

She slightly raised her voice

Y/N: "I didn't do anything. I only gave him 2 punches, 3 hits on his head and pulled his hair"

Mom: "Why the heck did you do that huh? Is this what I teach you? Is this how you behave? You are a grown up Y/N. You will get married and go to someone else's house soon. Behave yourself!"

Y/N: "But-"
Grandpa: "Your mom is right my child"
Y/N: "I didn't do it on purpose. He hurted my Simba!"
(Simba is her pet cat)
Grandma: "My dear, you did the right thing but what if he died? He is already so weak"

Y/N and grandma chuckled and high-fived each other.

Mom: "She is spoiled because of her grandparents, she is getting too much pampered"

She let out a sigh and shook her head in disappointment.

Grandpa: "Fine Fine, let her go this time. She won't repeat it again, right my daughter?"

Y/N: "Yes, I will never repeat it again"

Mom: "Now go and clean your messy room, there are guests coming tomorrow"

Aadi: "Who?"
Grandma: "They are coming with a marriage proposal for Y/N"

Y/N: "No way! Grandma you are joining their team too?"

Grandma: "My dear, one or the other day you have to get married right? So why not now?"

Y/N: "I am not getting married! I have my dreams to fulfill--"

Mom: "Stop throwing tantrums. Go to your room and I will send you your dress for tomorrow"

She looked at her mom with sadness in her eyes and went up silently without arguing back because she knows it's of no use but she has a plan like always.

Y/N: "Umm it's the 5th marriage proposal this year. I will have to call my spy cousins once again I guess..

"You are not going to stay for more than an hour here mister"

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