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Did he indirectly confess to me? He loves me? No no no Y/N. Don't get your hopes too high but what does he mean by...𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘤𝘳𝘢𝘻𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶?

"T-taehyung, m-move away", I stuttered because the closeness was making me nervous. He looked straight into my eyes, piercing my soul before walking towards the door. His steps halted near the room door
"Wear the black one", he said and vanished out.

I blinked a few times, still trying to process what just happened. Slapping my cheeks slightly to know if it was a dream or not, I went to pick the black dress up.

I finally reached downstairs, only to see everyone glaring at me. I nervously laughed and made an excuse "Sorry for making you all wait, urgent business ya know"

Aadi poked his nose in and said "Taehyung came to call you. Didn't he?" He stated, totally annoyed.

The scene of me and taehyung being close suddenly flashed infront my eyes and I didn't even realise that my cheeks has now turned crimson red which definitely didn't go unnoticed.

"Someone's blushing huh?", said chachi. "Did something happen between you two?", sia asked curiously.

Mom cleared her throat and glared at sia "we are getting late". She said with a tight smile on her face as she looked at sia.

I roamed my eyes in the parking lot but didn't see taehyung. Where is he? Wait- why do I care? It's going to be awkward to face him now.

I sighed heavily before hopping onto the auto-rickshaw with mom, chachi, saanvi and sia. The rest came in the cars.

As soon as we arrived, saanvi jumped like the happy kid who got the lollipop. "Why are you jumping like that?", I rolled my eyes at her.
"Yah! You have problem with everything I do" she jumped more making me roll my eyes at her again.

We arrived earlier than everyone so we had to wait until everyone arrives. We stood at the corner of the huge crowdy building, the mall. After a few minutes, they finally reached.

I looked at the car being parked. Everyone hopped out of the cars but I still didn't see taehyung. Didn't he come? I decided to ask sia.

"Di?", I asked.
"Hmm?", she turned towards me with a questioning look.
"Where is taehyung?"
Her faced turned into a mischievous one. "Already missing jeeju?"

She laughed out but still answered it
"Well he said he will join us later with aadi"
I nodded, still not satisfied with it but shrugged it off.

Everyone bought their outfits. It was already dark outside. Taehyung didn't arrive yet. His outfit was the only one pending now.
Where the hell is he?

"Y/N", I heard my name being called out by my mom. "Yes mom?", I asked.

"Everyone else except me, you and taehyung's mom will be staying here until taehyung arrives so that we can shop for him. Do you want to stay here or go back home?", she spoke.

"I will stay", I said shortly and stood shopping for the jewellery with the two elderly women. Not after long when I saw taehyung and aadi heading towards us.

"Hey mom!", said aadi. "Hello dear, you guys took a lot of time to come", mom sighed heavily.

"Yes, important business ya know?", he giggled. "Anyways let's go shop now", aunt (Taehyung's mom) spoke.

My gaze shifted at taehyung who was busy staring at the ground. Did something happen to him? He is acting bipolar.

The shopping was finally over. Taehyung got a suit but I didn't get to see it as it was a surprise for both of us. I was tired as ever and there were many bags that I had to carry.

"Bhai! Please carry a few of these bags", I requested him. Being the annoying person he is, he ignored and walked ahead.

I felt someone trying to get the bags from my hand. I turned to the left to see taehyung.
"Oh taehyung you don't have to-", I was cut off when he gave me a stern look.

I loosened the grip on the bags while he carried it all. "Thank you", saying in a low tone I walked beside him whereas others walked ahead talking random stuffs.

"Did you have your lunch?", I asked him still walking while he nodded his head "Did you?", he asked back.

"Yes...taehyung?", I called him out and he looked at me humming. "What if I was an option? Who would you choose?", I didn't know where this came from but this was a way to know if he had someone in his life.

"Y/N...you will always come first for me. I would go to the ends of the earth for you to make you feel my love", taehyung uttered making my cheeks heated.

Did.he.just.say LOVE?

Oh freak! Get a hold Y/N.

My heart did a world tour when he spoke that. Not being able to say anything, I intertwined his rough and veiny hands with mine and I could see him smile from the corner of my eyes.

Taehyung.....how I wish to stay with you forever.

Thank you for reading! Make sure to vote <3 You will be getting Taehyung and Y/N moments more from the next part 💫

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