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Y/N: "Pick up the call sia"She said restlessly, walking back and forth in her room

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Y/N: "Pick up the call sia"
She said restlessly, walking back and forth in her room. She huffed in annoyance as her cousin wasn't picking up her call. After a couple of minutes, her phone rang. The caller ID showed it was her sister, Sia.

Y/N: "Yah! I have been calling you for the last 15 minutes you lazy ass. How long do you need to pick a damn phone call?"

Sia: "Calm down. I was taking a shower. How am I supposed to answer the call? Now tell me what's so emergency?"

Y/N: "You need to activate your spy mode babe"

Sia: "So there's another prey coming on our way?"

They both smirked.

Y/N: "Guessed right!"
Sia: "I will be there by morning. I have a plan"
Y/N: "Good night!"

She hung up the call and changed into her night dress.

I am so bored. I am not even sleepy because I took a nap in the noon. Should I go for a walk? But it's 9pm already. Mom will dig me if I go out at this time.
Let's pull a prank on someone.

Taking the fake lizard from the drawer, I exited my room heading towards the living room where I assume aadi is at.

I saw him sitting there using his phone and on another couch was my grandma video calling someone.

Y/N: "Bhai!"

She called out her brother with her honey-like voice. He didn't look up at her and instead hummed in response.

Y/N: "Can you help me solve this question please?"
Aadi: "Which one?"

She handed her book to him. As he flipped the page, he screamed his lungs out and started running out of the living room.
Y/N laughed in victory. Grandma looked at her in disbelief and spoke

Grandma: "Y/N! Don't scare your brother"

A female voice was heard from the phone after she completed her sentence, who Y/N supposed her to be grandma's close friend from South korea"

G/M/F (grandma's friend): "Is that your grand-daughter Meera?"

(Meera is grandma's name)

Grandma: "Ah yes yes. She is my naughty grand daughter. Come here Y/N, talk to my childhood friend"

Y/N walked to grandma, sitting next to her. She was still laughing a mess because of the prank.

Y/N: "Hello grandma"
G/M/F: "Oh my! How beautiful you are"

She smiled shyly at her compliment and thanked her.

G/M/F: "Meera, is she engaged?"

Grandma: "No she isn't. We get a lot of marriage proposals for her but none suits her. Tomorrow is another marriage proposal, hopefully it works out"

G/M/F: "She is perfect for my grandson"

They both gasped together and looked at each other through the call.

Grandma: "Wait- no way! How can I forget about taehyung"
G/M/F: "It's a perfect match, isn't?"

Y/N widened her eyes and got a little away from her grandma. She signed a "no" to her grandma and made a fake crying face. In return, grandma just smiled.

Grandma: "It really is"
G/M/F: "Call me tomorrow after you discuss with the others, I will too"

They both talked a little more and Y/N was waiting for her grandma to hung up the call so that she could deny the proposal. After 10 minutes, they hung up the call. She ran to her grandma.

Y/N: "Grandma no please"
Grandma: "You know I will choose the best for you right?"
Y/N: "I know you will. Your every decision is right but I am not ready yet"
Grandma: "He is a true gem, my dear"
Y/N: "I last saw him ages ago and he is a total jerk"
Grandma: "It's been really long, sit here first"

She did as her grandma said. She sat next to her carefully listening to what she says.
Grandma: "Me and your grandpa are getting old and we want you, aadi, saanvi and Arya to get married before we die. We want to see you all settled and die peacefully-"

Y/N: "Don't say that! I wish you both live long"

Grandma genuinely smiled at her and continued.

Grandma: "After your dad passed away, your mom have been disturbed and you know that right? Let she be in peace and that will only happen if you are married. She will be happy that you are going to be in safe hands"

She held Y/N's hands and caressed it slowly. Her hands were cold because of the thought of her dad. She missed him so much. She was only 10 when her dad passed away because of an accident. Since then, she believed that no matter what she will never be happy and a piece of her will always be empty.

Grandma: "Your hands are cold, did you get sick again?"

Y/N took away her hands away and shook her head.

Y/N: "Grandma...I am ready for the marriage"

By the way, Sia, Saanvi and Arya are her dad's younger brother's (chachu) children. They live in the same house but they went to their maternal place for a few days.

Sia is married and lives in the same town but at her in- laws place
Saanvi is two years younger than Y/N and Arya is the same age as Aadi.

Whereas Aadi and Arya are 4 years older than Y/N. There is this tradition where the daughters of the house get married first and then the son.


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