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Y/N: "Grandma...I am ready for the marriage"

Grandma was taken aback by her sudden confession.

Grandma: "You don't have to force yourself my dear"

Y/N: "I am not forcing myself. I am honest, I want to get married. I will get married if that gives my mom peace"

Grandma: "Think about it until tomorrow, take some time hmm?"

She stroked Y/N's hair slowly with her weak hands. Smiling at the thought that how understanding Y/N is. She always took care of her like her own child because she knows that besides losing her son, Y/N had lost her father too.

*The next morning

*The next morning

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*7 am

I was sleeping peacefully dreaming about my Jalebi when a high pitch voice woke me up, making me fall from bed.
I looked at the owner of the voice and there she was, Sia. Her face was red, she glared at me and started matching towards me with her tight fists.

Y/N: "Woah woah woah women what's wrong?"

I got up from the floor immediately trying to defend myself

Sia: "You piece of a shit, how dare you lie to me huh? Spy? My ass. You freaking agreed to the marriage"

Y/N: "What the heck? What are you talking abo-"

Is she talking about taehyung? Did grandma tell this to everyone in the house? Oh Y/N, be ready to face everyone now.

Sia: "Do you have an answer to it? Huh?"

Y/N: "Sia...It was all of a sudden. Grandma gave me some time to think about it"

Sia: "But taehyung's family are ready for the marriage"

Y/N: "WHAT!!!"
I yelled in surprise. Sia nodded her head, still looking a bit angry.

Y/N: "H-how?"
Sia: "They seemed to like you. Grandma told me they will be coming here by next week for the engagement but only if you agree to this"

I sat on the bed and covered my face with my palm. Am I really agreeing to this marriage? Will he keep me happy? What if their in-laws torture me like how they do in dramas- wait no Y/N they are sweetest. You have met them and it's not like they are strange people.

Sia: "Y/N...."
She called me in a soft tone, sitting beside me and patting my back.
Sia: "It depends on you"
Y/N: "I have thought about it"
Sia: "Soooo? No?"
Y/N: "I will give this a chance. If it works out or not, either way it's fine"

Sia: "What? Tell me again I can't believe this"
I hit her shoulder causing her to move forward.
Y/N: "Di (sis) I will marry him"
Sia: "Oh my goodness! I am going to get a jeeju (brother in law) finally"

A pink tint appeared on my cheeks hearing her call jeeju. I didn't doubt my decision anymore but a part of me still felt incomplete for some reason.


A/N POVEveryone was sitting together after having lunch

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Everyone was sitting together after having lunch. Her uncle and aunt (chacha and Chachi) came back. The elders were sitting on the chairs while the younger ones were sitting on the carpet.
Mom: "Eomma did you tell our answer to your friend?"

Grandma: "Yes, I did. They all are beyond happy like us. They will be coming here for the engagement next week"

Chacha: "Their traditions are totally different from ours, so how is it going to work? Our way or theirs?"

Grandpa: "We are going to divide it. Engagement, turmeric ceremony and Sangeet will be held here. Wedding and reception is going to be held in South korea"

Chachi: "That's really nice. Tell us more about taehyung Eomma"

Grandma: "He is the CEO of Kim's company. Well, he likes art like our Y/N too"
Saanvi, Sia, Arya, aadi and Kabir (sia's husband) started teasing her with "whooo" sound making her roll her eyes

Grandma: "He is really sweet, kind and caring. He might look cold from outside but he is a total gem. A perfect definition of man. When I visited korea two years back, he took care of my medications and spent a lot of time with me"

Saanvi: "Grandma, how does he look?"
Grandma: "Let me show you all his pic"
Y/N: "I need to use the restroom"
Sia: "Oh no babe you aren't going without seeing his picture"
Y/N: "Di please"

She let her go as she knew Y/N was shy. She chuckled at how she became all feminine from a tomboy at an instant. How fast her duality changes, isn't it?


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